Using electron density as a MR model- Note this script is not runnable- it needs editing as to names of input files, space group, cell parameters etc. But it has example scripts of all the steps. Steps 1-3 are to generate the density of a single copy of the model (which could be a dimer or trimer if that is what you want to use for the model, ie the same multimer is expected in the target cell as well). in a P1 cell of dimensions large enough that cross-vectors between monomers are excluded. If you already have a density map with a single copy, you can use that directly in step 4. (Steps 1-3 could be done with mapmask rather than mapman/mave) # Input files- (1-5 are just for generating the density map to be used as model) 1. oldphs.mtz - phased mtz file for making map of solved crystal 2. dimref.msk Mask around density of one monomer (or multimer) in phased crystal 3. ref2old.o - operator taking density in known cell to ref cell- use unit op if mask is in phased cell in which case ref cell is same as phased cell. 4. space group operators for phased cell and for P1 symmetry 6. newxtal.mtz- unphased data from new crystal #------------------------ #1. Make large p1 cell as template for MAVE: ## this could be done directly with mapman (or mapmask?). # density will be put in this cell for SF calculation: # phony mtz file for template: echo ' 0 3 4 2741. 90.' > junk.rfl f2mtz HKLIN junk.rfl \ HKLOUT blank300.mtz <! trans.log << eof TRAFUN CB NMOL 1 RESO 45 6.2 PKLIM 0.5 NPIC 10 SYMM P212121 !HKLM 219 219 219 25 VERB TITLE : Translation function CRYSTAL ORTH 1 FLIMI 1.E1 1.E8 SHARP 0.0 SOLUTIONRC 1 30.33 31.87 243.26 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 46.1 53.0 60.6 29.0 1 SOLUTIONRC 1 30.35 31.88 63.24 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 46.1 53.0 60.5 29.1 2 eof grep SOLUTIONTF trans.log > trans.sol ############# #9 FIT-ing #FITTING amore TABLE1 /a/mave-bbc/ \ FITING_MEQ 4 \ FITING_NR 260000 \ FITING_MT 8100000 \ HKLPCK0 data.hkl >! fit.log <