c For reading RAVE averaging files: c There are about 4 different kinds of lines: c Corr. coeff. for operator 2 = 0.86952 c R-factor for operator 2 w.r.t. operator 1 = 0.54242 c Shape similarity : ( 0.917) c Overall Totals: 60056 0.268 0.316 3125.235 3042.129 1297.157 0.027 1297.157 0.875 character*132 line character*40 flname,outname,imagefile,rflfile character*2 number character*10 base real*4 ccop2(50) c WRITE(6,*)'PROGRAM TO EXTRACT STATISTICS FROM AVERAGING OUTPUT' c WRITE(6,*)' AND WRITE THEM INTO FILES FOR PLOTTING. 970319' c WRITE(6,*) c write(6,*)' Enter name of msum output file:' c read(5,11) flname 11 format(a40) c open(unit=2,file=flname,status='old',recl=132) c open (unit=3,file='cctstsum.rsl',status='new') c write(6,*)' Enter number of values per line (output):' c read(5,*) nval 28 count=0 30 read(5,31,end=200) line 31 format(1x,a132) c write(6,*) line c Predicted Correlation Coefficient = 0.807797 c Correlation Coefficient = 0.769942 c12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890 c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 32 if (line(1:30).EQ.'Predicted Correlation Coeffici') goto 40 if (line(1:25).EQ.'Correlation Coefficient =') goto 60 if (line(1:8).EQ.'--------') goto 80 c write(6,*)'xxx',line(1:8),'xxx' goto 30 40 count=count+1 c write(6,*)40 decode(80,43,line) ccop2(count) 43 format(40x,f9.6) c write(6,*) ccop2(count) goto 30 60 count=count+1 c write(6,*)60 decode(80,63,line) ccop2(count) 63 format(30x,f8.5) c write(6,*) ccop2(count) goto 30 80 write(6,83)(ccop2(i),i=1,count) 83 format(20f9.6) goto 28 200 close (unit=2) c close (unit=3) end