Uppsala Software Factory

Uppsala Software Factory - OOPS Manual


Program : OOPS
Version : 001211
Author : Gerard J. Kleywegt, Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Biomedical Centre, Box 596, SE-751 24 Uppsala, SWEDEN
E-mail : gerard@xray.bmc.uu.se
Purpose : generation of rebuilding macros for use with O
Package : X-UTIL


Reference(s) for this program:

* 1 * G.J. Kleywegt & T.A. Jones (1994). OOPS-a-daisy. CCP4/ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography 30, June 1994, pp. 20-24. [http://xray.bmc.uu.se/usf/factory_3.html]

* 2 * G.J. Kleywegt & T.A. Jones (1996). Efficient rebuilding of protein structures. Acta Cryst D52, 829-832. [http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?gr0469]

* 3 * G.J. Kleywegt & T.A. Jones (1996). Phi/Psi-chology: Ramachandran revisited. Structure 4, 1395-1400. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Retrieve&list_uids=8994966&dopt=Citation]

* 4 * G.J. Kleywegt & T.A. Jones (1997). Model-building and refinement practice. Methods in Enzymology 277, 208-230. [http://xray.bmc.uu.se/gerard/gmrp/gmrp.html]

* 5 * G.J. Kleywegt (2000). Validation of protein crystal structures. Acta Cryst. D56, 249-265 (Topical Review). [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Retrieve&list_uids=10713511&dopt=Citation] [http://scripts.iucr.org/cgi-bin/paper?gr0949]

* 6 * G.J. Kleywegt (2001). Validation of protein crystal structures. In: "International Tables for Crystallography, Volume F. Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules" (Rossmann, M.G. & Arnold, E., Editors). Chapter 21.1, pp. 497-506, 526-528. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

* 7 * G.J. Kleywegt & T.A. Jones (2002). Homo Crystallographicus - Quo Vadis ? Structure 10, 465-472. [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Retrieve&list_uids=11937051&dopt=Citation]

* 8 * G.J. Kleywegt (2004). Quality control and validation. In "Crystallographic Methods", S. Doublie, Ed. Submitted.

* 9 * Kleywegt, G.J., Zou, J.Y., Kjeldgaard, M. & Jones, T.A. (2001). Around O. In: "International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F. Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules" (Rossmann, M.G. & Arnold, E., Editors). Chapter 17.1, pp. 353-356, 366-367. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.


930304 - 0.1 - initial version; analyses pep-flip and rs-fit; first version of the manual
930305 - 0.2 - include "bad" phi-psi values; read residue types as well; list diagnostics (optional); include check for too tight mask
930307 - 0.3 - include checks for too low and too high temperature factors
930413 - 0.4 - include check on RMS-SIDE-CHAIN (RSC)
930521 - 0.5 - allow one line of O commands in every macro
930610 - 0.6 - create residue property datablock badcounts
930621 - 1.0 - now do RS-fit separately for all atoms, main chain atoms and side chain atoms; store highest and lowest temperature factor for each residue and print them (screen and macro); updated manual; made executables for ESV and ALPHA
930625 - 1.1 - improve handling of atoms and residues
930626 - 1.2 - deduce PHI/PSI from PDB file rather than reading it from an O datablock file; added check on peptide planarity; added check on C-alpha chirality; print statistics and histograms (where relevant) before asking for a cut-off value (optional); revamped manual; print statistics and histogram of bad-counts
930817 - 1.3 - removed minor bugs; changed 'centre_atom' in O macros to 'centre_zone' so that it will also work for non-C-alpha-containing residues (such as waters)
931101 - 2.0 - allow for user-definable criteria
931102 - 2.1 - exclude PROlines from CA-chirality calculations since ZETA is ~39-40 degrees rather than ~34
931104 -2.1.1- made default cut-off for peptide planarity 5.8 degrees (instead of 2) in accordance with the value used by PROCHECK
931108 - 2.2 - include nr of bad contacts (e.g., extracted from PROCHECK output using ODBM); produce O2D plot files for certain types of datablocks; check consistency of certain datablock names, types and nr of values in them
940104 -2.2.1- fixed bug: now it also works if your residues are called "1A", "2A", etc.
940209 - 2.3 - support HETATM cards (treated as in O, i.e. the residue name gets a "$"-sign in front)
940308 - 3.0 - many more options w.r.t. generated macros; automatic cut-off for RSfit (if statistics on); recognise " OT " as main-chain atom; test first if directory "oops" exists
940413 - 3.1 - hydrogen atoms are now automatically stripped when a PDB file is read; include checks on too low and high occupancies; fixed bug in Ramachandran and peptide-planarity routines (chain breaks are now recognised); include QualWat check for waters
940415 - 3.2 - improved O2D plot files
940418 - - cleaned up for the 'real' (paper) manual; minor bug fix
940810 - 3.3 - added some more plots; some changed Y/N defaults; more sensible defaults for PDB and MASK file names; several other minor (cosmetic) changes
940922 - 4.0 - added check on Real-Space R-factor (all atoms); added check on RMS delta-B bonded atoms (per residue); added option to create "electronic notebook file"; several minor changes
940923 -4.0.1- fixed some minor bugs w.r.t. user-defined criteria
941204 -4.0.2- fixed silly bugs in RSR-factor and RMS delta-B bonded bits
941220 - 4.1 - include option to compare current model with a previous one (e.g., from the previous refinement cycle)
941223 - 4.2 - include option to create pseudo-PDB file
950211 -4.2.1- include negative RS-fit values; change some Y/N defaults
950311 - 4.3 - fix bug in plot files if > 999 residues; PDB C-terminal oxygen OTX now recognised as main-chain atom; following residue types are now recognised as waters: WAT, HOH, SOL, OHH, HHO, H2O, OH2, H3O, OH3, and (pour nos amis et amies) EAU; print reminder in last OOPS macro to clean up the ./oops subdirectory; separate high temperature-factor cut-off for waters
950330 -4.3.1- minor bug fix (recognize OXT)
950331 - 4.4 - waters no longer included in RS-fit main/side chain statistics and plots (nor residues with |RS-fit| < 0.0001); separate RS-fit and RSR cut-offs for waters; in the comparison with a previous (or related) model, waters may now be excluded (since they will often have different names); when comparing to another model, you may now ask for the values (RMSD etc) to be written to an O datablock so you can, for instance, colour-ramp your molecule according to Chi1/Chi2 difference.
950412 -4.4.1- minor bug fix
950912 -4.4.2- tell the user to take a break every time 100 residues have been checked
951026 - 4.5 - produce a "REMARK 5" file for PDB deposition purposes
960801 -4.5.1- use our new definition of core Ramachandran regions
970204 -4.5.2- no longer use the On_off command in O macros
970625 - 4.6 - option to produce residue-by-residue critique in HTML format
980724 - 4.7 - RS-CC and RS-R cutoffs for waters made identical to those for other residues; immediate reporting of number and percentage of outliers for pepflip, RS-CC, RSR and RSC; in interactive mode, if file opening fails, you get a new chance
980728 - 4.8 - OOPS now also checks the OMEGA torsion (CA-C-N-CA) when checking peptide planarity, and will also issue notify the user of cis-peptides
980914 - 5.0 - OOPS will notify the user of D-amino acids IF the CA-chirality is checked; if the Ramachandran plot is checked, unusual PHI torsions can also be listed (Pro not near -65 degrees; non-Gly > 0); new option to notify the user of disulfide bridges and to check for unusual S=S distances and CB-S-S-CB torsions; increased dimensioning to 7000 residues and 70000 atoms
980929 - 5.1 - since map-contouring has become so fast nowadays, there is a new option (only available when you use CHAINED macros) that allows you to go through the residues starting with the (potentially) worst residue (i.e., the one about which OOPS had the highest number of comments), then the next-worst, etc.
981110 - 5.2 - option to include WHAT IF diagnostics (read from a file called "pdbout.txt" generated by WHAT IF if the command "check ful filename.pdb x y" is executed)
990310 - 5.3 - implemented facility that enables you to keep track of your subjective judgement of every (flagged) residue; changed default answers to many questions (mostly from YES to NO); when an OOPS macro is executed, the current residue name and number will be shown on the message line
990311 -5.3.1- in case of HETATM residues, the macros will not be called oops/$300 etc since this confuses O and makes them more difficult to remove - instead, the dollar sign will be replaced by an _underscore_; when reading a PDB file, don't ask for the maximum CA-CA distance (fixed at 4.5 A)
990507 -5.3.2- include message that "OOPS est mort, vive OOPS2 !"
001211 -5.3.3- minor changes



No more tedious O macros to colour your molecule according to pep-flip and/or rs-fit values etc. OOPS is here to help you !

You provide OOPS with some O datablocks and OOPS will generate O macros which take you from one suspicious residue to the next !

At present OOPS can check:

A - main-chain geometry:
- residues with bad pep-flip values
- residues with PHI-PSI values outside the allowed regions
- Proline residues with PHI not near -65.4 +/- 11.2 degrees
- non-Gly residues with positive PHI
- residues with non-planar peptides
- residues with unusual omega torsion
- residues with a cis-peptide

B - side-chain geometry:
- residues with bad RSC-fit (Rotamer Sidechain) values (version 0.4)
- residues with poor C-alpha chirality
- D-amino acids

C - real-space-fit of model to density:
- RSCC (real-space corr. coeff.) for all atoms
- RSCC for the main chain atoms only
- RSCC for the side chain atoms only
- RS R-factor for all atoms (version 4.0)

D - temperature factors and occupancies:
- residues with at least one atom with a too low B-factor
- ditto, with a too high B-factor
- residues with too high an RMS delta-B for bonded atoms (version 4.0)
- residues with at least one atom with a too low occupancy (version 3.1)
- ditto, with a too high occupancy (version 3.1)
- waters with bad QualWat values (version 3.1)

E - comparison with a previous model:
- positional shifts, changes in temperature factors and occupancies, large shifts in Phi/Psi and Chi1/Chi2, as well as newly inserted and mutated residues are flagged since they might warrant your inspection

F - miscellaneous:
- residues with at least one atom which sticks out of the mask
- residues with bad contacts (version 2.2; requires PROCHECK output)
- residues which violate user-defined criteria (version 2.0)
- disulfide bridges
- disulfides with S=S distance not near 2.06 +/- 0.10 A
- disulfides with CB-S-S-CB not near 96.8 +/- 10.1 degree (right-handed) or -85.8 +/- 8.6 degrees (left-handed)
- a subset of WHAT IF diagnostics can be extracted from the file "pdbout.txt" (which is generated if the "check ful file.pdb x y" command is executed in WHAT IF; version 5.2)

Alternatively, OOPS can be used to generate informative macros for all residues in your protein, and the macros may even have the same name as the residue. So, to centre on residue A273, and to get a message about what is suspicious about this residue, all you need to type is: @oops/a273


Before you run OOPS, create a directory called "oops" in your current O directory. OOPS will write most of the macros to that directory so these files won't clutter your working O directory (use: "mkdir oops" to create this directory).


Also, you will need AT LEAST a file containing the residue names as an O datablock and another which contains the residue types as a datablock. In addition, you may need the pep-flip, rs-fit and rsc datablocks of your current molecule, a PDB file of your current model and a mask file (in any MAMA format; see the MAMA manual).

If your current molecule is called RIGA, for example, then type: "dir riga*" in O to get a list of datablocks. Then write the appropriate datablocks to files, e.g.:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
   write riga_residue_name resnam.o ;
   write riga_residue_type restyp.o ;
   write riga_residue_pepflip pepflip.o ;
   write riga_residue_rsfit rsfit_all.o ;
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

There is a macro called "pre_oops.omac" in the OMAC directory which will calculate RS-fit (all atoms, main-chain and side-chain), pep-flip and rsc values for your current model and create the datablock files needed by OOPS. Check it out !


Now you are ready to run OOPS. Just run the program and answer the following questions:

6.1 statistics and histograms

- print statistics and histograms ? If you reply "Y", then for every item (where relevant), some statistics and a histogram of the encountered values are printed. This may help you in finding a proper cut-off value. For most criteria, OOPS comes up with fixed (sensible) defaults. However, for RS-fit cut-offs are calculated, IF you said YES to this question, as follows:
CUTOFF = MAX (RSFmin+0.1, MIN(RSFmax-0.1,RSFave-2*RSFsigma)

6.2 plot files

- if you said YES to the statistics, you may also get O2D plot files for some of the properties (e.g., pep-flip, rs-fit, rsc, bad contacts, bad-counts) if you reply "Y" to the next question: Do you want (some) O2D plot files ?

6.3 molecule name in O

- name of the current molecule (in O !!), e.g.: riga. This will be used to centre on the correct residues when you run the O macros created by OOPS

6.4 residue names

- residue names file, e.g.: resnam.o. Also used in the macros.

6.5 residue types

- residue types file, e.g.: restyp.o. Used for various checks.

6.6 pep-flip

- analyse pep-flip values ? if so, give the name of the pepflip datablock file and a cut-off of what you consider to be "bad pep-flips" (e.g., 2.5 A)

6.7 real-space fit (CC)

- analyse rs-fit values ? if so, give the name of the rsfit datablock file and a cut-off of what you consider to be "bad rs-fits" (e.g., 0.6) this question is repeated for all atoms, main chain atoms and side chain atoms

6.8 real-space fit (R-factor)

- analyse rs R-factors ? if so, give the name of the rsr-factor datablock file and a cut-off of what you consider to be "bad rs R-factors" (e.g., 0.3) at present, this is implemented only for all atoms; if you want to include checks for main-chain and side-chain atoms as well, enter them as user-defined criteria

6.9 rotamers

- analyse rsc values ? (rsc = Rotamer Side Chain Fit, a measure of how closely your rotamer resembles a rotamer in the O database; not used for Gly and Ala residues) if so, give the name of the rsc datablock file and a cut-off (normally 1.5 A; 2.0 A for a very rough initial model)

6.10 mask

- check if the mask is too tight? if so, give the name of the current mask file (any MAMA format), the name of the PDB file of your current model and a radius to apply around all atoms (e.g., 2.0 A); every residue which has at least one atom that sticks out of the mask (or doesn't even fit inside the grid) will be flagged as bad

6.11 temperature factors

- analyse too low temperature factors ? if so, and the PDB file hasn't been read yet, supply the name of the PDB file; also supply a cut-off

- analyse too high temperature factors ? if so, and the PDB file hasn't been read yet, supply the name of the PDB file; also supply a cut-off. If you already analysed too low temperature factors, you will not get statistics again

- analyse too high RMS delta-B bonded atoms ? if so, and the PDB file hasn't been read yet, supply the name of the PDB file; also supply a distance cut-off. The values are calculated for each residue separately; bonds to atoms in sequentially neighbouring residues are included as well (e.g. N-C).

6.12 occupancies

- analyse too low occupancies ? if so, and the PDB file hasn't been read yet, supply the name of the PDB file; also supply a cut-off

- analyse too high occupancies ? if so, and the PDB file hasn't been read yet, supply the name of the PDB file; also supply a cut-off. If you already analysed too low occupancies, you will not get statistics again

6.13 Ramachandran plot

- analyse phi-psi angles ? if so, and the PDB file hasn't been read yet, supply the name of the PDB file; OOPS will check if residues are inside the allowed areas (this is approximate; border-line cases may be overlooked or flagged as bad)

6.14 peptide planarity

- analyse peptide planarity ? if so, and the PDB file hasn't been read yet, supply the name of the PDB file. Peptide planarity is judged from the absolute value of the improper twist angle: C(i) - CA(i) - N(i+1) - O(i). This angle is 0.0 for planar peptides. Supply a cut-off for the absolute deviation from zero (residues which differ by more than that amount are flagged as bad). From version 4.8 on, the omega torsion (CA-C-N-CA) is also checked, and any cis-peptides are flagged as well (these are not necessarily errors, of course, but you may want to have a look at them anyway)

6.15 C-alpha chirality

- analyse C-alpha chirality ? if so, and the PDB file hasn't been read yet, supply the name of the PDB file. C-alpha chirality is judged from the value of the improper twist angle: CA(i) - N(i) - C(i) - CB(i). This angle should be near 33.9 degrees. Supply a cut-off for the absolute deviation from 33.9 (residues which differ by more than that amount from 33.9 are flagged as bad)

6.16 comparison with a previous model

- compare with a previous model ? if so, provide the name of the PDB file containing that model.
The following items are checked for each residue of the current model:
o has the residue newly been inserted ?
o has the residue newly been mutated ?
If not:
o has it shifted "a lot" ? (e.g., waters in a slow cool !)
o have the temperature factors changed a lot ?
o have the occupancies changed a lot ?
o have the Phi and/or Psi angles changed a lot ?
o have the Chi1 and (if present) Chi2 angles changed a lot ?
You have to provide a cut-off for each of these checks in order to define what "a lot" actually is. In all cases, when a large shift has occurred (either during rebuilding or refinement), you want to have a closer look at the residue. The same is true, of course, if you have recently mutated or inserted a residue.
Delta-dihedral angles are calculated as: dihedral (now) - dihedral (previous) and moved to fall in the range <-180,+180].
If only one of Phi and Psi can be calculated, then the "Phi/Psi distance" is simply the absolute value of the delta-dihedral; if both can be calculated, the distance is calculated as SQRT (0.5 * (dPhi**2 + dPsi**2) ). A similar method is used for the Chi1/2 distance.

6.17 QualWat for waters

- analyse QualWat values of water molecules ? this quantity, introduced by E. Arnold and M.G. Rossmann (J. Mol. Biol. 211 (1990) 763-801) is defined as follows:
QualWat = 100 * Q * exp (-B/(4d^2))
Q is the occupancy and B the temperature factor of the oxygen atom of the water, d is the resolution. A perfect water would have Q = 100, an absent water has Q = 0. Supply the resolution and a cut-off value if you want to include this check

6.18 bad contacts

- analyse the number of bad contacts ? if so, give the name of the datablock file and a cut-off. You can extract such a datablock from PROCHECK output using ODBM or ODBMAN (see the ODBM or ODBMAN manuals), or from any other source using your own jiffy program(s)

6.19 user-defined criteria

- check one or more (up to ten) user-defined criteria ? provide a file name (this MUST be an O-style datablock; both Integer and Real datablocks can be read, but the values are always stored as REAL), a name for the property, and the message to print in O when a residue has a "bad" value for this property. You must also make clear WHEN a residue has a bad value, i.e. whether VALUE > CUT-OFF or VALUE < CUT-OFF is considered bad. In order to do this, you must supply a comparison operator (either < or >) and a cut-off value

6.20 details to screen

- do you want to see the details ? if so, OOPS will list the residues to the screen (and why they are suspicious, if at all)

6.21 electronic notebook file

- in addition, or alternatively, you can get a file with such a listing ("electronic notebook file"). Just edit this file as you go along rebuilding your model. At the end, print the file and stick it in your real notebook. If you want to have such a file, you have to provide a file name.

6.22 HTML file

- if you like, you can get an HTML file which contains a residue-by-residue critique of your model (version 4.6) to put on your web site or intranet server

6.23 pseudo-PDB file

- if you want, you can get a "pseudo-PDB file" which contains only the CA atoms of your molecule, with:
* X-coordinate = Phi-dihedral angle of the residue
* Y = Psi
* Z = Pep-flip value * 100
* B = max. B of any atom in the residue
* Q = RSC value of the residue
You also get a small O datablock file which you must read into O. Then type "Draw ramaflip" to get the plot frame. Read in your pseudo-molecule and do a Zone on it. You may also use Paint_prop etc. to colour the atoms according to their max. B and/or RSC value. This may help in finding bad areas, as well as cases where bad peptide-orientations may be the cause of Ramachandran outliers.
NOTE: this option is available *only* if you have checked both pep-flip and phi/psi values.

6.24 O commands for each residue

- line of O commands to execute for each residue. It is handy to draw a map and a sphere object, for example: map_act map_draw obj sph sphere 10 end bell
If you want to execute an awful lot of commands for every "baddy", put them in a macro and just execute that: @do_all_this_for_every_baddy.omac
If you don't want to do anything, supply a comment line: ! don't do anything
or a dummy message: message Check this one out, babe !

6.25 output macros

- do you want macros for ALL or only for the BAD residues ? If you want to be use OOPS as an information-macro-generator, choose ALL; for rebuilding of only suspicious residues, choose BAD

- do you want CHAINED macros ? If so, each macro will "point to" the next one; it will put an O instruction on the O menu to execute the next macro. If you want to be use OOPS as an information-macro-generator, select NO; for rebuilding of only suspicious residues, select YES

- do you want macros to have the same name as the residue to which they relate ? If so, the macro for residue B107 will be called oops/b107 (note: lowercase); if not, the macros will be called oops/1, oops/2 etc.


OOPS will then loop over all residues. If a residue has a bad pep-flip or rs-fit value etc., a macro will be written to the oops subdirectory (unless you requested macros for ALL residues). In addition, a start-up macro called "oops.mac" will be put in your current directory.

In the case of pepflip values etc., only residues which have absolute values greater than 0.01 are considered (this is to prevent OOPS from flagging all your waters as having bad RS-fit values, or your terminal residues as having bad PHI/PSI values). Similar safe-guards are applied for other attributes (e.g.: RS-fit side-chain not for GLYs; RSC not for GLY/ALA; phi/psi not for N- and C-terminal residues, etc. etc.).

When OOPS is finished (and if there were any bad residues), all you have to do is type: "@oops.omac" from within O. This will then automatically centre on the first bad residue and print a message which tells you what is suspicious about this residue. In addition, a new menu item "@oops/2" will be added to your menu. When you're finished with the first residue, just click on this new menu item to go the second suspicious residue automatically, etc. ad infinitum. When the second macro is executed, you again will be centred on this residue's C-alpha atom, a diagnostic message is printed, the previous menu item "@oops/2" is deleted and a new one, "@oops/3" is inserted. Again, when you're finished, just click on "@oops/3" and voila.

After the last "baddy", the terminal bell will ring and a message that there aren't any more of them is printed.


From version 5.3 on, a facility has been implemented that enables you to keep track of your subjective judgement of all the residues you inspect with the OOPS macros.

As you execute the "oops.omac" start-up macro, four new commands will be added to your menu:
- @Good_fit
- @Poor_fit
- @Poor_dens
- @No_dens

Also, a new datablock will be created (and filled with zeros) that is called MOLNAM_residue_quality (MOLNAM is the name of the molecule you are scrutinising, e.g. M9). Now, whenever you inspect a residue, you can click on any of the four new commands, and the entry of the current residue will be set to:
- 0 if you click on @Good_fit: the density is good, and the fit of the model to the density is good
- 1 if you click on @Poor_fit: the density is good, but the fit of the model to the map is not, i.e. you need to do some rebuilding
- 2 if you click on @Poor_dens: the density is poor, so you cannot fit the residue any better than it is
- 3 if you click on @No_dens: there is no density, so you cannot reasonably fit the residue at all
While you are still working on the same residue, you can revise your judgement, and press another of the four commands.

When you are done, a new CA-object will be generated (called QUAL), where residues with quality value 0 are blue, value 1 red (these should have been fixed by you), value 2 magenta (may have been rebuilt in the hopes of better density next cycle), and value 3 white (no density, little hope at present). You can use this object, for example, to ask a colleague or your supervisor to have a (quick) look at the problematic residues.

You can also use it in a next rebuilding cycle to quickly skip over residues that are flagged as outliers (e.g., in pepflip or rotamer analysis), but for which you know that the density and the fit to it are rock solid.


9.1 write some files from O

(or use OMAC/pre_oops.omac to do the work for you ...):

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
  O > rsr_map m5_4.map rs_fit m6a a5 a162
  O > wr m6a_residue_rsfit rsfit_all.o ;
  O > read odat/rsfit_mc.o rs_fit m6a a5 a162
  O > wr m6a_residue_rsfit rsfit_mc.o ;
  O > read odat/rsfit_sc.o
  O > rs_fit m6a a5 a162
  O > wr m6a_residue_rsfit rsfit_sc.o ;
  O > pep_flip m6a a5 a162
  O > wr M6A_RESIDUE_PEPFLIP pepflip.o ;
  O > rsc m6a a5 a162
  O > wr m6a_residue_rsc rsc.o ;
  O > wr M6A_RESIDUE_NAME resnam.o ;
  O > wr M6A_RESIDUE_TYPE restyp.o ;
  O > s_a_o m6a.pdb m6a ;;;;;
 Sam> Coordinate file type assumed from file name is PDB
 Sam>       1280 atoms written out.
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.2 run OOPS

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 % 181 gerard rigel 20:04:34 o/m5_6 > run oops
 Max nr of residues              :       5000
 Max size of mask                :    4194304
 Max nr of atoms                 :      50000
 Max nr of user-defined criteria :         10

Print statistics and histograms ? (Y) y Auto-generate (some) O2D plot files ? (Y) y

Molecule name in O ? (M1) m6a

O data block with residue names ? (resnam.o) Datablock : (M6A_RESIDUE_NAME) Data type : (C) Number : (158) Format : ((1x,5a))

O data block with residue types ? (restyp.o) Datablock : (M6A_RESIDUE_TYPE) Data type : (C) Number : (158) Format : ((1x,5a)) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.3 input for quality criteria

For every criterion you want to check, you will have to provide one or more filenames and one or more cut-off values etc. E.g.:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Analyse pep-flip values ? (Y)
 O data block with pep-flip values ? (pepflip.o)
 Datablock : (M6A_RESIDUE_PEPFLIP)
 Data type : (R)
 Number    : (158)
 Format    : ((8f8.3))

*************************************************************************** Analysis of Pep-flip values (>0) ***************************************************************************

Number of values .................... 154 Average value ....................... 0.837 Standard deviation .................. 0.584 Minimum value observed .............. 0.166 Maximum value observed .............. 3.033

Nr < 0.0000 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 0.00 %) Nr >= 0.0000 and < 0.2500 : 6 ( 3.90 %; Cum 3.90 %) Nr >= 0.2500 and < 0.5000 : 41 ( 26.62 %; Cum 30.52 %) Nr >= 0.5000 and < 0.7500 : 45 ( 29.22 %; Cum 59.74 %) Nr >= 0.7500 and < 1.0000 : 29 ( 18.83 %; Cum 78.57 %) Nr >= 1.0000 and < 1.2500 : 5 ( 3.25 %; Cum 81.82 %) Nr >= 1.2500 and < 1.5000 : 9 ( 5.84 %; Cum 87.66 %) Nr >= 1.5000 and < 1.7500 : 2 ( 1.30 %; Cum 88.96 %) Nr >= 1.7500 and < 2.0000 : 6 ( 3.90 %; Cum 92.86 %) Nr >= 2.0000 and < 2.2500 : 6 ( 3.90 %; Cum 96.75 %) Nr >= 2.2500 and < 2.5000 : 1 ( 0.65 %; Cum 97.40 %) Nr >= 2.5000 and < 2.7500 : 1 ( 0.65 %; Cum 98.05 %) Nr >= 2.7500 and < 3.0000 : 2 ( 1.30 %; Cum 99.35 %) Nr >= 3.0000 and < 3.2500 : 1 ( 0.65 %; Cum 100.00 %) Nr >= 4.7500 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 100.00 %)

O2D plot file ? (m6a_pepflip.plt) Plot file written

Pep-flip cut-off ? ( 2.500) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.4 comparison with a previous model

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Compare with previous model ? (Y)

PDB file of previous model ? (m18_prev.pdb) m16.pdb REMARK ( Created by MOLEMAN V. 940525/4.9.1 at Mon Jul 25 20:22:45 1994 for user) REMARK ( model M16 xplor crabp II 940725) ... SCALE3 ( 0.000000 0.000000 0.012885 0.00000) Not in current model : O1 HOH 331 Not in current model : O1 HOH 403 Not in current model : O1 HOH 404 Not in current model : O1 HOH 408 Not in current model : O1 HOH 411 ... Not in current model : O1 HOH 542 END ( ) Nr of atoms read : ( 1215) Nr of atoms found : ( 1200)

Inserted residue > HOH 600 Inserted residue > HOH 601 Inserted residue > HOH 602 Inserted residue > HOH 603 ... Inserted residue > HOH 612

Name of this previous model ? (Prev Model)

Comparing with previous model

*************************************************************************** Analysis of RMSD current/previous model ***************************************************************************

Number of values .................... 238 Average value ....................... 0.391 Standard deviation .................. 0.813 Minimum value observed .............. 0.000 Maximum value observed .............. 5.671

Nr < 0.0000 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 0.00 %) Nr >= 0.0000 and < 0.1000 : 115 ( 48.32 %; Cum 48.32 %) Nr >= 0.1000 and < 0.2000 : 49 ( 20.59 %; Cum 68.91 %) Nr >= 0.2000 and < 0.3000 : 23 ( 9.66 %; Cum 78.57 %) Nr >= 0.3000 and < 0.4000 : 10 ( 4.20 %; Cum 82.77 %) ... *************************************************************************** Analysis of Phi/Psi distance ***************************************************************************

Number of values .................... 238 Average value ....................... 1.228 Standard deviation .................. 1.632 Minimum value observed .............. 0.000 Maximum value observed .............. 12.650

Nr < 0.0000 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 0.00 %) Nr >= 0.0000 and < 10.0000 : 237 ( 99.58 %; Cum 99.58 %) Nr >= 10.0000 and < 20.0000 : 1 ( 0.42 %; Cum 100.00 %) Nr >= 180.0000 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 100.00 %)

O2D plot file ? (m18_phipsi.plt) Plot file written

*************************************************************************** Analysis of Chi1/2 distance ***************************************************************************

Number of values .................... 238 Average value ....................... 4.160 Standard deviation .................. 13.168 Minimum value observed .............. 0.000 Maximum value observed .............. 137.104

Nr < 0.0000 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 0.00 %) Nr >= 0.0000 and < 10.0000 : 219 ( 92.02 %; Cum 92.02 %) Nr >= 10.0000 and < 20.0000 : 9 ( 3.78 %; Cum 95.80 %) Nr >= 20.0000 and < 30.0000 : 2 ( 0.84 %; Cum 96.64 %) Nr >= 40.0000 and < 50.0000 : 3 ( 1.26 %; Cum 97.90 %) Nr >= 50.0000 and < 60.0000 : 3 ( 1.26 %; Cum 99.16 %) Nr >= 80.0000 and < 90.0000 : 1 ( 0.42 %; Cum 99.58 %) Nr >= 130.0000 and < 140.0000 : 1 ( 0.42 %; Cum 100.00 %) Nr >= 180.0000 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 100.00 %)

O2D plot file ? (m18_chi12.plt) Plot file written

Maximum RMSD (A) ? ( 0.500) Maximum RMS delta-B (A2) ? ( 5.000) Maximum RMS delta-Q (A2) ? ( 0.100) Maximum Phi/Psi distance ? ( 20.000) Maximum Chi1/2 distance ? ( 20.000) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.5 WHAT IF diagnostics

From version 5.2 on, OOPS can read "pdbout.txt" files created by WHAT IF (command: "check ful filename.pdb x y"). A subset of the diagnostics is used literally by OOPS.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Include WHAT IF diagnostics ? (N) y
 WHAT IF report file ? (pdbout.txt)
 Ouch : (# 1 # Warning: Rounded coordinates detected)
 Rounded coordinates : (          5)
 Ouch : (# 3 # Warning: Valine nomenclature problem)
 Incorrect Valine nomenclature : (          1)
 Ouch : (# 4 # Error: Threonine nomenclature problem)
 Incorrect Threonine nomenclature : (          1)
 No incorrect Isoleucine nomenclature
 Ouch : (# 6 # Warning: Leucine nomenclature problem)
 Incorrect Leucine nomenclature : (          1)
 Ouch : (# 7 # Warning: Arginine nomenclature problem)
 Incorrect Arginine nomenclature : (          1)
 Ouch : (# 13 # Warning: Chirality deviations detected)
 Chirality deviation : (          7)
 Ouch : (# 16 # Error: Weights outside the 0.0 -- 1.0 range)
 Impossible occupancy : (          1)
 Ouch : (# 17 # Warning: Missing atoms)
 Missing atoms : (          4)
 Ouch : (# 20 # Warning: Unusual bond lengths)
 Unusual bond lengths : (         18)
 Ouch : (# 23 # Warning: Unusual bond angles)
 Unusual bond angles : (         35)
 Ouch : (# 25 # Error: Side chain planarity problems)
 Non-planar side chains : (          1)
 Ouch : (# 26 # Error: Connections to aromatic rings out of plane)
 Atoms not co-planar with rings : (          1)
 Ouch : (# 29 # Warning: Torsion angle evaluation shows unusual residues)
 Unusual torsion angles : (          2)
 Ouch : (# 30 # Warning: Backbone torsion angle evaluation shows unusual
 Unusual backbone torsions : (          6)
 Ouch : (# 38 # Error: Atoms too close to symmetry axes)
 Atoms near symmetry axes : (          2)
 Ouch : (# 39 # Error: Abnormally short interatomic distances)
 ERROR --- While trying to recognise residue
 > (  13 LYS  (  13 ) A    NZ   --  130 LEU  ( OXT ) A    O2     0.161
  2.539 INTRA)
 Short contacts : (         76)
 Ouch : (# 40 # Warning: Abnormal packing environment for some residues)
 Abnormal packing environments : (          7)
 Ouch : (# 48 # Warning: Backbone oxygen evaluation)
 Unusual peptide oxygens : (          1)
 No unusual rotamers
 Ouch : (# 50 # Warning: Unusual backbone conformations)
 Unusual backbone conformations : (          9)
 Ouch : (# 52 # Error: Water clusters without contacts with non-water
 Isolated water clusters : (          5)
 Ouch : (# 53 # Warning: Water molecules need moving)
 Waters in wrong asymmetric unit : (          9)
 Ouch : (# 54 # Error: Water molecules without hydrogen bonds)
 Water molecules without H-bonds : (          5)
 Ouch : (# 59 # Error: HIS, ASN, GLN side chain flips)
 H/N/Q side chain flips : (          2)
 Ouch : (# 61 # Warning: Buried unsatisfied hydrogen bond donors)
 Unsatisfied H-bond donors : (          5)
 No unsatisfied H-bond acceptors
 Nr of WHAT IF diagnostics : (        205)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.6 user-definable criteria

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 User-definable criteria
 Max number of them : (      10)

Enter file with user datablock (<CR> to stop): ( ) rsrfree_zone.o Datablock : (M18_RESIDUE_RSRFREE) Data type : (R) Number : (238) Format : ((f10.3)) Name of the property ? (User-criterion nr 1) RSRfree Warning for bad residues in O ? (Bad RSRfree; value =)

*************************************************************************** Analysis of RSRfree ***************************************************************************

Number of values .................... 238 Average value ....................... 0.292 Standard deviation .................. 0.090 Minimum value observed .............. 0.182 Maximum value observed .............. 0.554

Nr < 0.1448 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 0.00 %) Nr >= 0.1820 and < 0.2192 : 52 ( 21.85 %; Cum 21.85 %) Nr >= 0.2192 and < 0.2564 : 65 ( 27.31 %; Cum 49.16 %) Nr >= 0.2564 and < 0.2936 : 34 ( 14.29 %; Cum 63.45 %) Nr >= 0.2936 and < 0.3308 : 16 ( 6.72 %; Cum 70.17 %) Nr >= 0.3308 and < 0.3680 : 27 ( 11.34 %; Cum 81.51 %) Nr >= 0.3680 and < 0.4052 : 11 ( 4.62 %; Cum 86.13 %) Nr >= 0.4052 and < 0.4424 : 12 ( 5.04 %; Cum 91.18 %) Nr >= 0.4424 and < 0.4796 : 10 ( 4.20 %; Cum 95.38 %) Nr >= 0.4796 and < 0.5168 : 4 ( 1.68 %; Cum 97.06 %) Nr >= 0.5168 and < 0.5540 : 6 ( 2.52 %; Cum 99.58 %) Nr >= 0.5540 : 1 ( 0.42 %; Cum 100.00 %)

A residue has a BAD "RSRfree" IF: its value either > CUTOFF or < CUTOFF Should I use ">" or "<" ? (>) > Cut-off value to use ? ( 4.710E-01) 0.45 Checking ...

Enter file with user datablock (<CR> to stop): ( )

Nr of user criteria : ( 1) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.7 selection of output

After all input has been given, tell OOPS what output you want:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 You may opt to get the details listed
 on the screen.
 Do you want to see the details ? (Y)

Also, you can get this list written to a file; this is very handy for electronic note-keeping: just edit the file as you rebuild your model & print it & stick it in your notebook ! Do you want to have a list file ? (Y) Name of the list file ? (m18_rebuild.notes)

You may enter one line of O commands which will be executed by EVERY macro generated by OOPS. O command(s) to execute in every macro ? (bell print DONE) @fast_dials

You may opt to get chained macros for ALL or merely the BAD residues. Do you want macros for ALL residues ? (N)

You may opt to get chained macros or individual macros without instructions to put the next macro on the menu. Do you want CHAINED macros ? (Y)

You may opt to give the macros the same name as the residue which they deal with (in lowercase), or to just give them sequential numbers (1, 2, ...). Do you want macros named as RESIDUES ? (Y)

OOPS - (PRO 2) Large positional shift; RMSD = 0.68 Large Chi1/2 shift; RMSD = 26.76 OOPS - (LYS 9) Bad RSC = 2.29 OOPS - (ASN 15) Bad RSC = 1.76 Bad Phi-Psi = 65.46 22.91 OOPS - (GLU 17) Large positional shift; RMSD = 1.04 ... ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.8 overview

At the end, an overview is printed:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 OOPS - (HOH 612)
 Bad RS-fit (all atoms) = 0.539
 Newly inserted residue in this model

Nr of baddies : ( 83)

Start by typing @oops.omac in O !!!

Bad pep-flip : ( 2) Bad RS-fit (all atoms) : ( 16) Bad RS-fit (main chain) : ( 0) Bad RS-fit (side chain) : ( 0) Bad RS R-factor (all atoms) : ( 16) Bad RSC : ( 12) Bad mask : ( 0) Bad B (low) : ( 0) Bad B (high) : ( 26) Bad RMS delta-B bonded atoms : ( 1) Bad Q (low) : ( 0) Bad Q (high) : ( 0) Bad Phi/Psi : ( 3) Bad peptide planarity : ( 0) Bad C-alpha chirality : ( 1) Newly inserted residues : ( 13) Newly mutated residues : ( 0) Large positional shift : ( 57) Large temp.-factor shift : ( 0) Large occupancy shift : ( 0) Large Phi/Psi shift : ( 0) Large Chi1/2 shift : ( 10) Bad QualWat : ( 0) Bad contact(s) : ( 0) Bad RSRfree : ( 19)

Read oops_badcounts.o into O and use residue property badcounts to colour your molecule, or plot this file, to reveal areas where the structure is poor.

*************************************************************************** Analysis of Bad counts ***************************************************************************

Number of values .................... 238 Average value ....................... 0.647 Standard deviation .................. 1.178 Minimum value observed .............. 0.000 Maximum value observed .............. 6.000

Nr < 0.0000 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 0.00 %) Nr >= 0.0000 and < 1.0000 : 163 ( 68.49 %; Cum 68.49 %) Nr >= 1.0000 and < 2.0000 : 31 ( 13.03 %; Cum 81.51 %) Nr >= 2.0000 and < 3.0000 : 23 ( 9.66 %; Cum 91.18 %) Nr >= 3.0000 and < 4.0000 : 14 ( 5.88 %; Cum 97.06 %) Nr >= 4.0000 and < 5.0000 : 3 ( 1.26 %; Cum 98.32 %) Nr >= 5.0000 and < 6.0000 : 1 ( 0.42 %; Cum 98.74 %) Nr >= 6.0000 and < 7.0000 : 3 ( 1.26 %; Cum 100.00 %) Nr >= 24.0000 : 0 ( 0.00 %; Cum 100.00 %)

O2D plot file ? (m18_badcounts.plt) Plot file written

*** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS ***

Version - 941220/4.1 Started - Tue Dec 20 22:52:26 1994 Stopped - Tue Dec 20 23:00:33 1994

CPU-time taken : User - 5.8 Sys - 3.3 Total - 9.1

*** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS ***

>>> This program (C) 1993-94, GJ Kleywegt & TA Jones <<< E-mail: "gerard@xray.bmc.uu.se" or "alwyn@xray.bmc.uu.se"

*** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS *** OOPS ***

----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.9 OOPS macros

the first macro (oops.omac) may look like this:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 print Created by OOPS V. 941220/4.1 at Tue Dec 20 23:00:21 1994 for user gerard
 print Molecule M18
 print OOPS has checked:
 print Pep-flip values; cutoff =    2.500000
 print RS-fit (all atoms); cutoff =   0.7000000
 print RS R-factor (all atoms); cutoff =   0.4000000
 print RSC values; cutoff =    1.500000
 print Too high temperature factors; cutoff =    40.00000
 print Too high RMS delta-B bonded atoms; cutoff =    5.000000
 print Phi-Psi angle combinations (Ramachandran)
 print Peptide planarity; cutoff =    5.800000
 print CA chirality; cutoff =    3.500000
 print Comparison with previous model Prev Model
 print RMSD; cutoff =   0.5000000
 print RMS delta-B; cutoff =    5.000000
 print RMS delta-Q; cutoff =   0.1000000
 print Phi/Psi distance; cutoff =    20.00000
 print Chi1/2 distance; cutoff =    20.00000
 print RSRfree cut-off = 0.4500000
 print Macros were generated for BAD residues
 print Macros were chained together
 print Macros were given residue names
 mol M18
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

an actual residue macro may look like this:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 % 1493 gerard rigel 18:55:56 oops/exam > cat oops/104
 centre_zone M18 104 ;
 print Residue GLU 104
 print Bad RS-fit (all atoms) = 0.662
 print Bad RSC = 1.80
 print Too high temperature factor = 53.12
 print Large positional shift; RMSD = 1.14
 print Large Chi1/2 shift; RMSD = 48.77
 print Bad RSRfree; value = 0.4530000
 print Hit or type "@oops/107" for next baddy
 menu @oops/107 on on_off
 menu @oops/104 off on_off
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.10 run O

start the first macro (@oops.omac) and correct your model, check your mask, etc.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
  O > @oops.omac
  O > Macro in computer file-system.
 As4> Created by OOPS V. 931108/2.2 at Mon Nov 8 22:28:52 1993 for user
  O >  As4> Molecule M8A
  O >  As4> OOPS has checked:
  O >  As4> Pep-flip values; cutoff =    2.500000
  O >  As4> RS-fit (all atoms); cutoff =   0.5500000
  O >  As4> RSC values; cutoff =    1.500000
  O >  As4> Phi-Psi angle combinations
  O >  As4> Peptide planarity; cutoff =    5.800000
  O >  As4> CA chirality; cutoff =    3.500000
  O >  As4> Number of bad contacts; cutoff =            1
  O >   O >   O > Macro in computer file-system.
 As4> No object defined.
 As4> M8A   A1    A1    M8A
 As4> Centering on zone from A1 to A1
  O >  As4> Residue PRO A1
  O >  As4> Bad contact(s); count =            1
  O >  As4> Bad XPLOR GeomPlot; value = 4.706100
  O >  As4> Hit or type "@oops/2" for next baddy
  O >   O >   O >   O > Macro in computer file-system.
 As4> M8A   A2    A2    SPH
 As4> Centering on zone from A2 to A2
  O >  As4> Residue SER A2
  O >  As4> Bad Phi-Psi = 109.16 155.57
  O >  As4> Non-planar peptide; improper = -8.08
  O >  As4> Bad CA chirality; zeta = 28.24
  O >  As4> Bad XPLOR GeomPlot; value = 9.952900
  O >  As4> Hit or type "@oops/3" for next baddy
  O >   O >   O >   O > Macro in computer file-system.
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.11 electronic notebook file

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Created by OOPS V. 941220/4.1 at Tue Dec 20 23:00:21 1994 for user gerard
 Molecule M18
 OOPS has checked:
 Pep-flip values; cutoff =    2.500000
 RS-fit (all atoms); cutoff =   0.7000000
 RS R-factor (all atoms); cutoff =   0.4000000
 RSC values; cutoff =    1.500000
 Too high temperature factors; cutoff =    40.00000
 Too high RMS delta-B bonded atoms; cutoff =    5.000000
 Phi-Psi angle combinations (Ramachandran)
 Peptide planarity; cutoff =    5.800000
 CA chirality; cutoff =    3.500000
 Comparison with previous model Prev Model
 RMSD; cutoff =   0.5000000
 RMS delta-B; cutoff =    5.000000
 RMS delta-Q; cutoff =   0.1000000
 Phi/Psi distance; cutoff =    20.00000
 Chi1/2 distance; cutoff =    20.00000
 RSRfree cut-off = 0.4500000

OOPS - PRO - 2 Large positional shift; RMSD = 0.68 Large Chi1/2 shift; RMSD = 26.76

OOPS - LYS - 9 Bad RSC = 2.29

OOPS - ASN - 15 Bad RSC = 1.76 Bad Phi-Psi = 65.46 22.91

OOPS - GLU - 17 Large positional shift; RMSD = 1.04

OOPS - GLU - 18 Bad RSC = 2.31

OOPS - LYS - 21 Large positional shift; RMSD = 1.06 Large Chi1/2 shift; RMSD = 45.87


OOPS - HOH - 611 Newly inserted residue in this model

OOPS - HOH - 612 Bad RS-fit (all atoms) = 0.539 Newly inserted residue in this model

----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

9.12 "REMARK 5" file

From version 4.5 onward, OOPS automatically produces a file called oops_remarks.pdb. This file contains statistics for some of the checks that OOPS has performed (provided you said you wanted statistics listed). You can include this file in your PDB deposition form.

The file may look as follows:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
REMARK   5 VERSION    : 951026/4.5
REMARK   5 DATE       : THU MAR  2 01:45:04 1995
REMARK   5   NR OF RESIDUES            :     718
REMARK   5   MAXIMUM VALUE         (A) :    3.51
REMARK   5   AVERAGE VALUE         (A) :    0.77
REMARK   5   CUT-OFF VALUE         (A) :    2.50
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS             (NR) :      22
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS              (%) :    3.06
REMARK   5   NR OF RESIDUES            :     568
REMARK   5   MAXIMUM VALUE         (A) :    2.82
REMARK   5   AVERAGE VALUE         (A) :    0.59
REMARK   5   CUT-OFF VALUE         (A) :    1.50
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS             (NR) :      36
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS              (%) :    6.34
REMARK   5   NR OF RESIDUES            :    1250
REMARK   5   MINIMUM VALUE             :    0.18
REMARK   5   AVERAGE VALUE             :    0.88
REMARK   5   STANDARD DEVIATION        :    0.11
REMARK   5   CUT-OFF VALUE             :    0.60
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS             (NR) :      30
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS              (%) :    2.40
REMARK   5   NR OF RESIDUES            :     744
REMARK   5   MINIMUM VALUE             :    0.51
REMARK   5   AVERAGE VALUE             :    0.92
REMARK   5   STANDARD DEVIATION        :    0.05
REMARK   5   CUT-OFF VALUE             :    0.80
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS             (NR) :      32
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS              (%) :    4.30
REMARK   5   NR OF RESIDUES            :     684
REMARK   5   MINIMUM VALUE             :    0.51
REMARK   5   AVERAGE VALUE             :    0.92
REMARK   5   STANDARD DEVIATION        :    0.05
REMARK   5   CUT-OFF VALUE             :    0.70
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS             (NR) :      10
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS              (%) :    1.46
REMARK   5   NR OF RESIDUES            :     724
REMARK   5   MINIMUM VALUE       (DEG) :   -3.18
REMARK   5   MAXIMUM VALUE       (DEG) :    4.70
REMARK   5   AVERAGE VALUE       (DEG) :    0.09
REMARK   5   CUT-OFF VALUE       (DEG) :    5.80
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS             (NR) :       0
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS              (%) :    0.00
REMARK   5   NR OF RESIDUES            :     620
REMARK   5   MINIMUM VALUE       (DEG) :   29.43
REMARK   5   MAXIMUM VALUE       (DEG) :   37.48
REMARK   5   AVERAGE VALUE       (DEG) :   34.12
REMARK   5   CUT-OFF VALUE       (DEG) :    3.50
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS             (NR) :       4
REMARK   5   OUTLIERS              (%) :    0.65
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----


10.1 Colouring your molecule

colouring your molecule according to the number of violations:


 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
  O > read oops_badcounts.o
  O > mol m6a
  O > pai_ramp residue_badcounts ; blue red
  O > obj bad ca ; end
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----


 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
  O > read oops_badcounts.o
  O > mol m6a
  O > pai_prop atom_name = ca blue
  O > pai_prop residue_badcounts > 0 red
  O > obj bad ca ; end
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----


 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
  O > read oops_badcounts.o
  O > mol m6a
  O > pai_case residue_badcounts 5  0 1 2 3 4  blue green yellow orange red
  O > obj bad ca ; end
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

10.2 Using quality information from other programs

use ODBM or ODBMAN to create O-style datablock files from ASCII files. Example: run the "geomplot" XPLOR script for your molecule(s), then extract the residue values with ODBMAN from the file called geomplot.list.
ODBMAN and ODBM can also be used to extract several types of datablock from a PROCHECK output file (see their manuals) !

10.3 O commands for each residue

when prompted by OOPS to supply a line of O commands which will be executed for every bad residue, be clever and execute a macro ! For example: @do_all.omac
You may then change the contents of this macro later on without having to re-run OOPS.

10.4 Generating O datablocks for OOPS

Use the OMAC/pre_oops.omac macro to take some work out of your hands (this enables you to have a coffee or a beer while O crunches).

10.5 Converting plot files to PostScript

Converting the O2D plot files generated by OOPS into PostScript format is conveniently done with the OMAC/o2dps script, for instance:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 % 189 gerard rigel 20:04:34 o/m5_6 > o2dps '*.plt' 1d

... o2dps ... convert O2D plot files to PostScript ...

Will convert m6a_badcounts.plt to m6a_badcounts.ps with option 1d ... Will convert m6a_pepflip.plt to m6a_pepflip.ps with option 1d ... Will convert m6a_rsc.plt to m6a_rsc.ps with option 1d ... Will convert m6a_rsfit_all.plt to m6a_rsfit_all.ps with option 1d ... Will convert m6a_rsfit_mc.plt to m6a_rsfit_mc.ps with option 1d ... Will convert m6a_rsfit_sc.plt to m6a_rsfit_sc.ps with option 1d ...

Running O2D ...

Lowest X-value : ( 0.000E+00) ... Highest Y-value : ( 1.000E+00) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

10.6 Consistency checks

OOPS always checks if the names of datablocks are consistent, to help you prevent using a datablock belonging to an old model:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Analyse RS R-factor (all atoms) ? (Y)
 O data block with RS R-factors  ? (rsrfac_all.o)
 Datablock : (M18_RESIDUE_RSRCONV)
 Data type : (R)
 Number    : (238)
 Format    : ((f10.3))
 WARNING - inconsistent datablock name
 Expected    : (m18_residue_rsfit)
 Encountered : (m18_residue_rsrconv)
 Continue anyway ? (Y)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

10.7 Pseudo-PDB file

If you want to have a pseudo-PDB file, you can do this as follows in OOPS:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 You can also get a "pseudo-PDB file" with
 one CA atom for each residue which has:
   X = Phi(residue)
   Y = Psi
   Z = Pep-flip * 100
   B = Maximum temp. factor
   Q = RSC
 Displaying and colouring this "molecule"
 in O may reveal poor areas and correlations
 between poor Phi/Psi and Pep-flip values
 Create pseudo-PDB file ? (Y)
 Name of the PDB file ? (m18_pseudo.pdb)
 Name of the O datablock file ? (m18_pseudo.odb)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

In O, do something like this:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
  O > s_a_i m18_pseudo.pdb pse
  O > mol pse
  O > pa_prop
 Paint> Property? [atom_name]: atom_wt
 Paint> Operator (< > <= >= ^= [=]): >
 Paint> Value? []: 1.5
 Paint> Colour? [red]:
  O > pa_prop
 Paint> Property? [atom_name]: atom_b
 Paint> Operator (< > <= >= ^= [=]): >
 Paint> Value? []: 40
 Paint> Colour? [red]:
  O > zone ; end
  O > read m18_pseudo.odb
 Heap>  Type: draw ramaflip
  O > draw ramaflip
  O > ske_cpk pse
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

You can now click on Ramachandran plot outliers etc.


None, at present.

Uppsala Software Factory Created at Fri Jan 14 20:12:29 2005 by MAN2HTML version 050114/2.0.6 . This manual describes OOPS, a program of the Uppsala Software Factory (USF), written and maintained by Gerard Kleywegt. © 1992-2005.