Uppsala Software Factory

Uppsala Software Factory - SSENCS Manual


Program : SSENCS
Version : 060503
Author : Gerard J. Kleywegt & T. Alwyn Jones, Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Biomedical Centre, Box 596, SE-751 24 Uppsala, SWEDEN
E-mail : gerard@xray.bmc.uu.se
Purpose : find NCS operators in sets of SSEs
Package : RAVE


Reference(s) for this program:

* 1 * Kleywegt, G.J., Zou, J.Y., Kjeldgaard, M. & Jones, T.A. (2001). Around O. In: "International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F. Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules" (Rossmann, M.G. & Arnold, E., Editors). Chapter 17.1, pp. 353-356, 366-367. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.


2001-02-22 - 0.1 - first version
2002-02-14 - 0.1 - second version
2006-05-03 - 0.3 - first released version


SSENCS takes as input a file that contains SSEs (secondary structure elements, i.e., helices and strands) in DEJAVU format, and tries to find NCS operators relating subsets of the SSEs. It was written back in 2001 and not released until five years later. I have never tested it on real cases, so I make no claims as to its utility. There are newer and much cleverer programs around. The idea here is to use the SSEs out of some map-interpretation program (even something as simple as ESSENS) and look for NCS relationships. If you have a partial model you can also generate an SSE file from that using GETSSE (part of the DEJAVU package). Well, even if this program shouldn't be of any use, at least it's very fast so you won't waste too much time ;-)

The format of a DEJAVU-style SSE file is as follows (only lines starting with 'ALPHA ' or 'BETA ' will actually be read):

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
! ===  USER
NOTE   ...
PDB    out.pdb
BETA  'B1' 'A7' 'A9' 3 38.13 60.88 26.31 37.92 59.82 33.10
BETA  'B2' 'A12' 'A14' 3 41.80 55.71 40.85 47.53 57.22 44.53
ALPHA 'A1' 'A16' 'A23' 8 48.95 62.56 44.43 56.05 70.11 43.42
ALPHA 'A2' 'A27' 'A35' 9 47.41 73.53 50.82 39.03 66.36 45.37
BETA  'B129' 'C90' 'C97' 8 71.17 7.48 35.54 55.09 17.18 22.49
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

So there is one line for each SSE, starting (in column 1-6) with the type (ALPHA or BETA) and followed by: a name (arbitrary), first and last residue name (arbitrary), the number of residues in it, and the XYZ coordinates of the first and the last CA atom in it.


The algorithm proceeds in a number of steps:

(1) Finding seed SSEs.
The first step is to find SSEs that are suitable as seeds to start generating RT operators in the next step. Such SSEs should have at least one "partner" SSE that is of the same type (helix/strand), has a similar length and a similar number of residues. For each SSE, all such partners are enumerated, and if the SSE also has a nearby neighbour (of any type), it is stored in a list of seed SSEs.

(2) Generating RT operators and SSE triples.
Each pair of seed and partner SSEs is enumerated, and investigated if their nearest neighbour is of the same type. Since each SSE has a start and end point, we obtain a set of four points for each SSE plus neighbours, to be compared to four points in the partner and its neighbour. Since the directionality of the SSEs may be uncertain, all four possible ways of matching these four points are attempted (quaternion least-squares fitting routine), and the combination that gives the smallest RMSD is kept, as is the corresponding RT operator (and start/end coordinates will be swapped if necessary). If the RMSD does not exceed a user-supplied cut-off, the operator is applied to all remaining SSEs to identify a further SSE that is a neighbour of the original partner, and that (after applying the RT operator) has a centre-to-centre distance that is smaller than a certain cut-off. (If there is more than one, the SSE that gives the smallest such distance is used.) If this step is successfull, this provides an RT operator that relates (at least) a triple of SSE centres with a relatively small RMSD. However, in this way many operators would be generated more than once. Therefore, if an operator is similar to a previously generated one, it will be discarded. This is done by applying the operators to a fixed test vector t (e.g., (100 100 100)) and to measure the distance between RTi(t) and RTj(t) for two operators "i" and "j". If this distance is smaller than a certain cut-off, the operators are considered to be identical.

(3) Evaluating the RT operators.
In the final step, each of the operators is applied to all of the SSEs, and pairs of SSEs are gathered that are of the same type, and whose centre-to-centre distance (after applying the operator to one of them) is smaller than a cut-off. In addition, their start-to-start and end-to-end point distances must be smaller than the same cut-off (again, start and end will be swapped if this gives the better fit). If at least two matching SSEs are found, their start and end points are used to calculate a new operator, and the new operator is applied to all SSEs again, etc. until the number of SSEs that obey the operator does no longer increase. At that stage the operator, the number of matching SSEs, and the RMSD of their start and end points are stored. Finally, the operators are sorted by the number of SSEs that obey them, and the top solutions are listed.


The following is a synthetic example. It uses SSEs generated from 1PMP, expanded under space-group symmetry, and only keeping the SSEs that are entirely within the unit cell [0,1][0,1][0,1], and using default input parameters.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 % 938 gerard sarek 16:58:32 average/test > ../6d/6D_SSENCS


Version - 060503/0.3 (c) 1992-2005 Gerard J. Kleywegt, Dept. Cell Mol. Biol., Uppsala (SE) User I/O - routines courtesy of Rolf Boelens, Univ. of Utrecht (NL) Others - T.A. Jones, G. Bricogne, Rams, W.A. Hendrickson Others - W. Kabsch, CCP4, PROTEIN, E. Dodson, etc. etc.

Started - Wed May 3 17:07:17 2006 User - gerard Mode - interactive Host - sarek (Irix/SGI) ProcID - 16641 Tty - /dev/ttyq5


Reference(s) for this program:

* 1 * G.J. Kleywegt (1992-2005). Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Unpublished program.

* 2 * Kleywegt, G.J., Zou, J.Y., Kjeldgaard, M. & Jones, T.A. (2001). Around O. In: "International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F. Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules" (Rossmann, M.G. & Arnold, E., Editors). Chapter 17.1, pp. 353-356, 366-367. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

==> For manuals and up-to-date references, visit: ==> http://xray.bmc.uu.se/usf ==> For reprints, visit: ==> http://xray.bmc.uu.se/gerard ==> For downloading up-to-date versions, visit: ==> ftp://xray.bmc.uu.se/pub/gerard


Max nr of SSEs in total : ( 1000) Max nr of NCS molecules : ( 60)

Input SSE file ? (user.sse) p2disturbed.sse Input SSE file : (p2disturbed.sse) > (!) > (! === USER) > (!) > (MOL USER) > (NOTE ...) > (PDB out.pdb) > (!) > (BETA 'B1' 'A7' 'A9' 3 38.13 60.88 26.31 37.92 59.82 33.10) > (BETA 'B2' 'A12' 'A14' 3 41.80 55.71 40.85 47.53 57.22 44.53) > (ALPHA 'A1' 'A16' 'A23' 8 48.95 62.56 44.43 56.05 70.11 43.42)


> (BETA 'B129' 'C90' 'C97' 8 71.17 7.48 35.54 55.09 17.18 22.49) > (ENDMOL)

Nr of SSEs read : ( 62)

Min nr of molecules to look for : ( 2) Max nr of molecules to look for : ( 60) Nr of molecules to look for ? ( 2) 3 Nr of molecules to look for : ( 3) Average nr of SSEs per molecule : ( 20.667)

A core is a set of SSEs that matches another set after applying an RT operator. This cut-off only affects the output of RT operators. Min nr of SSEs in core ? ( 5) Min nr of SSEs in core : ( 5) Total nr of SSEs in core : ( 15)

Max nr of solutions to print ? ( 30) Max nr of solutions to print : ( 30)

Potentially matchable SSEs may contain different numbers of residues. Mismatch nr of residues ? ( 3) Mismatch nr of residues : ( 3)

Potentially matchable SSEs may have different lengths. Mismatch length (A) ? ( 9.000) Mismatch length (A) : ( 9.000)

SSE pairs to test should be close in space (centre-of-gravity distance). Max nbr distance (A) ? ( 8.000) Max nbr distance (A) : ( 8.000)

For two pairs of SSEs to be considered matchable, the RMSD of the 4 end-points should not be too high (all 4 combinations of matching them will be tried). Max initial RMSD (A) ? ( 3.000) Max initial RMSD (A) : ( 3.000)

To extend a matching pair into a triple, their superimposed C-of-Gs should be close. Max deviation 3rd SSE (A) ? ( 3.000) Max deviation 3rd SSE (A) : ( 3.000)

Distance between RT(test_vector) to decide if two operators are essentially identical. Max projection distance (A) ? ( 3.000) Max projection distance (A) : ( 3.000)

Distance cut-off to decide if SSEs obey an RT operator in the evaluation step. Max RT(SSE) distance (A) ? ( 3.000) Max RT(SSE) distance (A) : ( 3.000)

Point for testing equivalence of operators Test vector ? ( 100.000 100.000 100.000) Test vector : ( 100.000 100.000 100.000)

Looking for seed SSEs ... Nr of seed SSEs to try : ( 51)

Generating RT operators and SSE triples ... Nr of operators generated : ( 111) Nr of unique solutions : ( 62)

Evaluating RT operators ... # 1 Operator 1 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 3 Matched SSEs 11 RMSD (A) 0.15 SSE B1 B2 A1 A2 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B10 B11 RT(SSE) B12 B13 A3 A4 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B21 B22

# 2 Operator 2 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 7 Matched SSEs 12 RMSD (A) 0.17 SSE B1 B2 A1 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 RT(SSE) B23 B24 A5 B25 B26 B27 B28 B29 B30 B31 B32 B33

# 3 Operator 3 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 2 Matched SSEs 6 RMSD (A) 0.14 SSE B1 A2 B3 B4 B5 B6 RT(SSE) B56 A12 B58 B59 B60 B61

# 4 Operator 4 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 4 Matched SSEs 11 RMSD (A) 0.14 SSE B1 B2 A1 A2 B4 B5 B6 B8 B9 B10 B11 RT(SSE) B78 B79 A15 A16 B81 B82 B83 B85 B86 B87 B88

# 5 Operator 5 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 2 Matched SSEs 11 RMSD (A) 0.15 SSE B1 B2 A1 A2 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B10 B11 RT(SSE) B12 B13 A3 A4 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B21 B22

# 6 Operator 6 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 1 Matched SSEs 3 RMSD (A) 0.09 # 7 Operator 7 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 2 Matched SSEs 5 RMSD (A) 2.00 SSE B7 B8 B9 B10 B11 RT(SSE) B33 B32 B31 B30 B29

# 8 Operator 8 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 1 Matched SSEs 3 RMSD (A) 0.95 # 9 Operator 9 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 2 Matched SSEs 11 RMSD (A) 0.14 SSE B1 B2 A1 A2 B4 B5 B6 B8 B9 B10 B11 RT(SSE) B78 B79 A15 A16 B81 B82 B83 B85 B86 B87 B88

# 10 Operator 10 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 1 Matched SSEs 3 RMSD (A) 1.93 # 11 Operator 11 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 1 Matched SSEs 3 RMSD (A) 1.93 # 12 Operator 12 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 1 Matched SSEs 11 RMSD (A) 0.15 SSE B12 B13 A3 A4 B15 B16 B17 B18 B19 B21 B22 RT(SSE) B1 B2 A1 A2 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B10 B11


# 61 Operator 61 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 1 Matched SSEs 3 RMSD (A) 0.16 # 62 Operator 62 Iterations 2 Multiplicity 1 Matched SSEs 3 RMSD (A) 0.00

Sorting RT operators ...

RT Sol # 1 = 18 Matched SSEs = 15 RMSD = 0.004 A .LSQ_RT_SSENCS R 12 (3f15.8) -1.00000000 0.00002639 0.00001457 0.00002639 1.00000000 -0.00002597 -0.00001458 -0.00002597 -1.00000000 91.79798889 -49.74928665 84.75167847

RT Sol # 2 = 45 Matched SSEs = 15 RMSD = 0.004 A .LSQ_RT_SSENCS R 12 (3f15.8) -1.00000000 0.00002639 -0.00001458 0.00002639 1.00000000 -0.00002597 0.00001457 -0.00002597 -1.00000000 91.79806519 49.74906540 84.75173187

RT Sol # 3 = 2 Matched SSEs = 12 RMSD = 0.165 A .LSQ_RT_SSENCS R 12 (3f15.8) -0.30227932 -0.29197252 -0.90740246 -0.86662900 -0.31225231 0.38916922 -0.39696521 0.90401912 -0.15864441 106.60652161 56.27408981 36.24006271

RT Sol # 4 = 28 Matched SSEs = 12 RMSD = 0.165 A .LSQ_RT_SSENCS R 12 (3f15.8) -0.30227932 -0.86662900 -0.39696521 -0.29197252 -0.31225231 0.90401912 -0.90740246 0.38916922 -0.15864441 81.53976440 95.85650635 -2.80449057

RT Sol # 5 = 54 Matched SSEs = 11 RMSD = 0.139 A .LSQ_RT_SSENCS R 12 (3f15.8) -0.38814914 0.08495209 -0.91767275 -0.11433673 0.98361063 0.13941732 0.91447651 0.15903842 -0.37207448 26.96672440 15.38965416 90.64928436


RT Sol # 29 = 36 Matched SSEs = 5 RMSD = 2.004 A .LSQ_RT_SSENCS R 12 (3f15.8) 0.07493574 0.17322579 -0.98202741 0.47415605 0.86015493 0.18790947 0.87724626 -0.47971529 -0.01767969 -46.11037445 -2.29586029 67.70594788

RT Sol # 30 = 40 Matched SSEs = 5 RMSD = 0.132 A .LSQ_RT_SSENCS R 12 (3f15.8) -0.68033922 0.72705460 0.09235962 0.45273247 0.31781441 0.83308303 0.57634360 0.60859323 -0.54538280 27.63309097 -28.98375893 -12.04719353

Nr of RT operators listed : ( 30)


Version - 060503/0.3 Started - Wed May 3 17:07:17 2006 Stopped - Wed May 3 17:07:43 2006

CPU-time taken : User - 1.0 Sys - 0.2 Total - 1.2


>>>>>>>>>>>>>> USF .... Uppsala Software Factory <<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>> This program: (c) 1992-2005, G J Kleywegt <<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> E-mail: gerard@xray.bmc.uu.se <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> http://xray.bmc.uu.se/usf <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

*** SSENCS *** SSENCS *** SSENCS *** SSENCS *** SSENCS *** SSENCS *** ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Note: the first two operators are pure spacegroup symmetry operators. In general the operators will be combinations of SGS and NCS operators (both sets include the Identity operator, of course).

Note: several operators are identical in the output list. This is probably due to the iterative operator evaluation. They were probably slightly different to begin with, but not similar enough to be caught by the test-vector filter. But in the iterative evaluation procedure they "catch" the same set of SSEs and end up being identical anyway.

Note: for each operator that is obeyed by the minimum number of SSEs required, up to 15 of the matching SSE pairs are printed, so the user can search for operators that relate to the same set of SSEs. In a real case, one could generate a quick and dirty mask at that stage (e.g., using Randy Read's method as implemented in COMA) and throw it into IMP to improve the operators.


None, at present.

Uppsala Software Factory Created at Thu May 4 17:57:44 2006 by MAN2HTML version 060130/2.0.7 . This manual describes SSENCS, a program of the Uppsala Software Factory (USF), written and maintained by Gerard Kleywegt. © 1992-2006.