Uppsala Software Factory

Uppsala Software Factory - XPLO2D Manual


Program : XPLO2D
Version : 051002
Author : Gerard J. Kleywegt, Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology, Uppsala University, Biomedical Centre, Box 596, SE-751 24 Uppsala, SWEDEN
E-mail : gerard@xray.bmc.uu.se
Purpose : XPLOR-related utilities
Package : X-UTIL


Reference(s) for this program:

* 1 * G.J. Kleywegt (1995). Dictionaries for Heteros. CCP4/ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography 31, June 1995, pp. 45-50. [http://xray.bmc.uu.se/usf/factory_5.html]

* 2 * G.J. Kleywegt (1996). Making the most of your search model. CCP4/ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography 32, June 1996, pp. 32-36. [http://xray.bmc.uu.se/usf/factory_6.html]

* 3 * G.J. Kleywegt & T.A. Jones (1997). Model-building and refinement practice. Methods in Enzymology 277, 208-230. [http://xray.bmc.uu.se/gerard/gmrp/gmrp.html]

* 4 * G.J. Kleywegt, K. Henrick, E.J. Dodson & D.M.F. van Aalten. Pound-wise but penny-foolish: How well do micromolecules fare in macromolecular refinement ? Structure, 11, 1051-1059 (2003). [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Retrieve&list_uids=12962624&dopt=Citation]

* 5 * Kleywegt, G.J., Zou, J.Y., Kjeldgaard, M. & Jones, T.A. (2001). Around O. In: "International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. F. Crystallography of Biological Macromolecules" (Rossmann, M.G. & Arnold, E., Editors). Chapter 17.1, pp. 353-356, 366-367. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.


960215 - 1.4 - first documented version; minor changes; MASS statements in topology files from AUTOdic option now correct for all elements (ex. hydrogens; element types must be characters 1 and 2 of the atom names); NONBonded parameters now included for 33 elements
960708 - 1.5 - fixed dihedrals which are flat (0 or 180 degrees) are really added to the topology file (i.e., not commented out); the force constants for bond lengths, bond angles, fixed dihedrals and impropers are now entered in one go; separate distance cut-offs to determine if two atoms are bonded, one if both atoms are light (H..Ne), the other if either or both are heavy (Na..)
960803 - 2.0 - substantial improvements to the automatic X-PLOR dictionary generation option
960804 - 2.1 - minor debugging of yesterday's work; read and use formula if provided in input PDB file to check if deduced element types actually occur in the structure
961101 - 2.2 - changed X-PLOR generate input files produced by the AUTO command (no hydrogens etc.)
961213 -2.2.1- echo user input for AUTOdict option (for WWW server use)
970527 - 2.3 - implemented DIHE option
970628 - 2.4 - AUTO: vastly improved automatic estimation of number of hydrogen atoms attached to C, N, O and S atoms; implemented use of multiple copies of a compound to get better statistics for bond lengths, angles, dihedrals and impropers
970630 -2.4.1- AUTO: print RMSDs to "reference" molecule if multiple copies are used; also print bond length statistics to help the user detect copies with "weird" geometry
970707 - 2.5 - AUTO: other criterion to determine if two atoms are bonded, namely if their distance is no greater than the sum of their covalent bond radii plus a small tolerance (0.45 A)
970708 -2.5.1- AUTO: all carbons with four non-hydrogen neighbours now give rise to an improper to keep them properly tetrahedral; also generate impropers for N atoms with at least 3 neighbours
970709 - 2.6 - AUTO: "unusual" flatness and chirality impropers are automatically reset to standard values (0, +35 or -35); new option to assign every atom its own type (for high resolution input models, or when type conflicts occur, e.g. manifested through large angle ranges); every bond now gives rise to no more than one DIHEdral (to prevent clashes and redundancies); what constitutes a "large" observed range for bond lengths etc. is now defined by the user; X-PLOR minimisation file now also lists any close contacts; re-ordered input; if required, default file names and numerical parameters can be used so as to reduce the amount of input
970710 -2.6.1- AUTO: all atom types (not just carbon and nitrogen) with 3 or more neighbours now give rise to one IMPRoper; also, a check is now made that the first three atoms defining an improper restraint are not co-linear (can happen, e.g. with square-planar arrangements, such as in AlF4)
970715 -2.6.2- minor bug fix
970926 - 2.7 - AUTO: can now also be used to generate TNT dictionaries
980416 - 2.8 - AUTO: can now also be used to generate O 6.x dictionaries
980520 -2.8.1- AUTO: tiny change to O 6.x dictionary file
980914 -2.8.2- AUTO: should now also work with mono-atomic compounds (with obvious limitations, such as that no TNT or O files can/need/will be generated)
981030 -2.8.3- AUTO: bug fix (crashed with option to let B-factors indicate atom type)
990106 -2.8.4- AUTO: round DIHEdral targets to nearest multiple of 30 degrees (instead of 10 degrees) to prevent silly dihedral restraints with target values of 10 or 170 degrees !!!
991110 -2.8.5- AUTO: uniquefying the 4-character atom type names for X-PLOR/CNS should now actually work ...
000209 -2.8.6- AUTO: skip atom if name is a duplicate
000310 -2.8.7- AUTO: minor changes
001108 -2.8.8- AUTO: increased max nr of dihedrals
001221 -2.8.9- AUTO: fixed tiny bug
010829 - 2.9 - AUTO: better handling of FORMUL records; bail out if any bond distance is less than 0.5 A or any bond angle is less than 60 degrees
011009 -2.9.1- AUTO: recognises optional command-line argument "-force" which will force the program to try and create dictionaries even if there are "silly" bond lengths and angles (these should only be used for map calculations, *NOT* for refinement !)
011018 -2.9.2- AUTO: if "-force" is used, print warnings in the X-PLOR, O and TNT parameter files for short bond distances (< 0.5 A) and short angles (< 60 degrees)
011023 -2.9.3- minor changes
011106 -2.9.4- AUTO: make sure that the number of bonds found is not less than the number of atoms minus one
011205 -2.9.5- minor changes
020207 -2.9.6- AUTO: default character for atom type names is now an underscore ("_") instead of "X"
020227 -2.9.7- AUTO: changed cut-off for silly bond distances to 0.8 A, and for silly bond angles to 55 degrees
020329 -2.9.8- AUTO: minor changes
020704 -2.9.9- AUTO: recognises optional command-line argument "-noh" which will force the program to ignore any and all hydrogen atoms that may be present in the input PDB file; changed cut-off for suspicious bond angles to 80 degrees (remember to use the "-force" command line argument to force the program not to bail out when it encounteres unusual bond lengths or angles)
020709 - 3.0 - AUTO: change max value of CUTBND to 0.5 A
020819 -3.0.1- AUTO: minor changes
020926 -3.0.2- AUTO: minor bug fix
030320 -3.0.3- AUTO: increased dimensioning
031002 - 3.1 - AUTO: now produces complete data for O version 9.0.1 !!!
031003 -3.1.1- AUTO: minor changes
031014 - 3.2 - AUTO: torsions near +/- 120 degrees are now treated in the same way as torsions near +/- 60 and +/- 90. O datablocks now contain all torsions so that they can be used to generate coordinates with the Build_res command. The torsions are annotated as being cis, trans, 60/90/120 or purely descriptive in comment lines.
031127 -3.2.1- AUTO: changes to TNT dictionary generation: (1) BCORREL cards are now also generated (one for every bond); (2) the order of the atoms in CHIRAL cards has been changed - this will hopefully keep TNT from complaining :-)
040616 -3.2.2- AUTO: changed the "torsion" part of the O dictionary so that target values are no longer written (O figures them out itself from the rotamer conformations)
040901 -3.2.3- AUTO: when an atom name contains an *internal* space (such as " N A" in hetero compound BCB), it is removed and the "de-spaced" name is written to the clean PDB file and used in all dictionary files
041001 - 3.3 - replaced Kabsch' routine U3BEST by quaternion-based routine (U3QION) to do least-squares superpositioning
041005 -3.3.1- AUTO: minor changes
051002 -3.3.2- AUTO: fixed bug that core dumped the program on Linux when it tried to generated unique names for all atoms and one of them wasn't bonded to any others. note that is a user mistake - the compound should apparently be split up into two or more mutually bonded entities ! thanks to Kai Schwedhelm for reporting the bug


This program performs several utility functions having to do with the input or output of X-PLOR. Select one of the available options (the first four characters suffice), and answer any subsequent questions.

4.1 XSEArch

Convert X-PLOR "search.dat" files from a direct rotation search into O2D 2D contour plot files. The angle increment is assumed to be 10 degrees. Provide the name of the "search.dat" output file from a direct rotation search in X-PLOR (you can have multiple files, e.g. if your job crashed and had to be restarted). Subsequently, you can plot sections through the map at constant theta1, 2 or 3. Each section gives a 2D contour plot file. Use program O2D to either display these plots (on an SGI) or to convert them to PostScript files.

4.2 X1DTraz

Convert X-PLOR "xxx.3dmatrix" files from a 1D translation function along the Z-axis (C-axis; e.g., P31, P43, P65) to O2D 1D plot files. You are prompted to supply the input and output files, as well as the limits of the viewport in the vertical direction of the plot. Use program O2D to either display these plots (on an SGI) or to convert them to PostScript files.

4.3 X1DYtra

Convert X-PLOR "xxx.3dmatrix" files from a 1D translation function along the Y-axis (B-axis; e.g., P21) to O2D 1D plot files. You are prompted to supply the input and output files, as well as the limits of the viewport in the vertical direction of the plot. Use program O2D to either display these plots (on an SGI) or to convert them to PostScript files.

4.4 XFILter

Analyse "filter.list" files from an X-PLOR PC-refinement OR "search.dat" files from a direct rotation search. The output is a list of clustered peaks, a "rotman.inp" file to analyse the relations between the various top solutions, and an awk input file "rotman.awk" to extract the salient information from the rotman output file (use thes with the Unix command: awk -f rotman.awk rotman.out > rotman.lis).

4.5 LUZZati

Convert a "luzzati.list" file into an O2D plot file (or two, if you are using Rfree). You are prompted for the plot file name(s), and for the levels of the theoretical curves. Use program O2D to either display these plots (on an SGI) or to convert them to PostScript files.

4.6 XBADcon

List residues with bad contacts during a refinement run, to see if there are any residues which are suspiciously often involved in such contacts (they might be wrong).


Sometimes you want to restrain a model you refine to another model. For example, if you have a 1.8 Å native structure and you subsequently solve a complex for which only 3.0 Å data is available, you may want to restrain the protein part of the low-resolution complex to the high-resolution structure. In many cases this can easily be done with harmonic restraints in X-PLOR, but this has some disadvantages:

- not trivial to implement properly (especially if the two molecules are in different spacegroups or orientations); usually one takes a short-cut by restraining a model to its *starting* coordinates during refinement, which is of course not the same thing

- if there are domain movements, it becomes even more difficult to implement

What one would really want to do is to restrain the major conformational torsion angles of the model to those of the high-resolution model, perhaps excluding a few residues in hinge regions, etc.

This option of XPLO2D enables you to do just that. You feed it a PDB file of the model to which you want to restrain your refinement model (e.g., that high-resolution native structure you already have, even though it may be in a different spacegroup or with different domain orientations). The program generates an X-PLOR include file which contains DIHEdral statements for the PHI, PSI, CHI-1 and CHI-2 torsions of the protein. If you protein contains a hinge region, simply remove or comment-out the relevant PHI and PSI restraints. If you don't want to impose restraints on CHI-1 and/or CHI-2, set the corresponding weights to zero (at the top of the X-PLOR include file).

This approach can be used for X-ray refinement, but also for NMR refinements (one could even restrain an NMR structure to an X-ray structure or -in a jolly gesture- the other way around) and "experimentally challenged" calculations (i.e., simulations without X-ray or NMR data).

Caution: if you set the weights for the DIHEdral restraints too high, this may lead to the corresponding torsion angles being *fixed* during torsion dynamics !!


 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 What would you like to do ? (auto) dihe


Max nr of residues : ( 10000)

Input PDB file ? (in.pdb) /nfs/pdb/full/1cbs.pdb

Phi/Psi/Chi-1/Chi-2 restraints file ? (dihe_restr.xplor)

Restraint weights for Phi/Psi/Chi-1/Chi-2 ? ( 20.000 20.000 15.000 10.000) PDB file read OK Nr of residues : ( 137) Nr of atoms : ( 749) Generating DIHEdral restraints ... Nr of PHI restraints : ( 136) Nr of PSI restraints : ( 136) Nr of CHI-1 restraints : ( 123) Nr of CHI-2 restraints : ( 86) Restraints file written

QUIT XSEA X1DT X1DY XFIL LUZZ XBAD AUTO What would you like to do ? (DIHE) quit ... ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The restraints file may look as follows:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 REMARK Created by XPLO2D V. 970527/2.3 at Tue May 27 21:52:24 1997 for user gerard

REMARK Filename: dihe_restr.xplor

evaluate ($phi_wt = 20.0) { Use 0.0 to switch PHI restraints off }

evaluate ($psi_wt = 20.0) { Use 0.0 to switch PSI restraints off }

evaluate ($chi1_wt = 15.0) { Use 0.0 to switch CHI-1 restraints off }

evaluate ($chi2_wt = 10.0) { Use 0.0 to switch CHI-2 restraints off }

set echo=off end

{ define phi,psi,chi-1,chi-2 restraints }


dihedral (name N and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name CA and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name C and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name N and segid="1CBS" and resi 2) $psi_wt 0 151.2 { PSI PRO 1 }

dihedral (name N and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name CA and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name CB and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name CG and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) $chi1_wt 0 32.6 { CHI-1 PRO 1 }

dihedral (name CA and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name CB and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name CG and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name CD and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) $chi2_wt 0 -40.4 { CHI-2 PRO 1 }

dihedral (name C and segid="1CBS" and resi 1) (name N and segid="1CBS" and resi 2) (name CA and segid="1CBS" and resi 2) (name C and segid="1CBS" and resi 2) $phi_wt 0 -124.5 { PHI ASN 2 }


dihedral (name C and segid="1CBS" and resi 136) (name N and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) (name CA and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) (name C and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) $phi_wt 0 -61.5 { PHI GLU 137 }

dihedral (name N and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) (name CA and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) (name CB and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) (name CG and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) $chi1_wt 0 -74.2 { CHI-1 GLU 137 }

dihedral (name CA and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) (name CB and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) (name CG and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) (name CD and segid="1CBS" and resi 137) $chi2_wt 0 -165.7 { CHI-2 GLU 137 }


set echo=off end

----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

- Kleywegt, G.J. and Jones, T.A. (1997). Model-building and refinement practice. Meth Enzymol.
- Kleywegt, G.J. (1996). Use of non-crystallographic symmetry in protein structure refinement. Acta Cryst D52, 842-857.

6 AUTOdic

6.1 Input

Auto-generate X-PLOR dictionary files for a hetero-entity from a PDB file.

NOTE: in version 2.4, the method to estimate the number of hydrogen atoms attached to C, N, O and S atoms has been vastly improved !

NOTE: in version 2.4, the ability to handle multiple examples of a ligand has been introduced. Just put *all* copies of your ligand in one PDB file and feed it to XPLO2D !

NOTE: in version 2.7, the ability to generate TNT dictionaries was added. This will automatically set the option to make each atom its own type (necessary for TNT).

NOTE: in version 2.8, the ability to generate O 6.x dictionaries was added. This will automatically set the option to make each atom its own type (necessary for O).

NOTE: XPLO2D was not designed to handle explicit hydrogen atoms, but seems to do so reasonably well anyway (provided they are in the input PDB file - XPLO2D will not generate them !). The version on the HIC-Up server will *strip* all hydrogens, so if you want to include them, you'll need to run the program interactively. If you run it interactively and still want to suppress any hydrogens that may be in the input PDB file, use the command-line option "-noh".

This example was produced with version 2.0 of XPLO2D, which contains *substantial* improvements compared to older versions ! It uses the structure of a nogalamycin derivative (with 57 non-hydrogen atoms) as an example:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
REMARK NGU Extracted from PDB file 1d22.pdb
REMARK NGU Formula C39 H47 N1 O17
REMARK NGU Nr of non-hydrogen atoms 57
REMARK NGU Residue type NGU
REMARK NGU Residue name 972
REMARK NGU Original residue name (for O) $1
REMARK   2 RESOLUTION. 1.8 ANGSTROMS.                                   1D22  30 NGU
HETATM    1  C1  NGU   972      -1.033  -3.427   2.857  1.00 20.00      1D22
HETATM    2  C2  NGU   972      -0.998  -3.311   4.231  1.00 20.00      1D22
HETATM    3  C3  NGU   972      -1.054  -2.053   4.872  1.00 20.00      1D22
HETATM   55  O15 NGU   972       1.289  -6.348   1.715  1.00 20.00      1D22
HETATM   56  O16 NGU   972       1.437  -4.066   5.945  1.00 20.00      1D22
HETATM   57  O23 NGU   972       4.906  -4.096   4.521  1.00 20.00      1D22
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 What would you like to do ? (auto)


Max nr of atoms : ( 250) Max nr of atom types : ( 150) Max nr of neighbours : ( 10) Max nr of bond types : ( 11250) Max nr of angle types : ( 22500) Max nr of dihedrals : ( 250) Max nr of impropers : ( 250)

This option has now been improved somewhat in that you may help the program figuring out which atoms are equivalent etc. To this end, the OCCUPANCY column may contain the number of hydrogen atoms attached to each atom, and the B-FACTOR column may contain a number (integer) which is identical for identical atom types. Only reply Yes to the following questions if you have edited the input PDB file appropriately. Note that you do not have to use BOTH options. Do occupancies represent the number of Hs ? (N) Do B-factors represent atom type flags ? (N)

The program can now also try to figure out the nr of hydrogens attached to each C, N or O. Figure out nr of Hs automatically ? (Y) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Telling the program how many hydrogen atoms are attached to each atom helps it decide which atoms have equivalent types. It will also yield correct masses for the atom types in your topology file. Note that from version 2.0 onward, there is also the option to let the progam try to "guestimate" the number of hydrogens attached to C, N and O atoms ! This works pretty well, provided the geometry of your ligand is reasonable (i.e., no aliphatic C-C bonds of 1.3 A).

Telling it which atoms are equivalent (and which ones are not !!) helps it even more.

If you don't supply this information, the program will try to figure out which atoms are equivalent by looking at atom types, distances to and types of neighbouring atoms and, optionally, atom types of neighbours' neighbours.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Supply the name of a PDB file containing your
 ligand or whatever, without hydrogens, please
 The *first* residue in the file will be processed
 Enter name of PDB file : ( ) ngu.pdb
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Make sure that the PDB file contains only one residue, and that there are no hydrogen atoms in it (otherwise the results are unpredictable !).

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 You will get a new, clean PDB file which can
 be read by X-PLOR without parsing problems
 Enter name of new, clean PDB file : (ngu.pdb_clean)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

This PDB file can be fed into X-PLOR straightaway.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 You will also get a new PDB file which has
 XPLO2Ds atom type as the B-factor and the
 number of hydrogens as the occupancy (if
 you asked the program to deduce these).
 If the topology and parameter files contain
 atom-type conflicts (or errors in the number
 of Hs), just edit this PDB file and run it
 through XPLO2D again !
 Enter name of this PDB file : (ngu.pdb_xplo2d)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

This is also new in version 2.0: if the program makes obvious mistakes in (1) guessing the number of hydrogens, or (2) assigning atom types, you can edit the B-factor and/or occupancy columns in this file and then re-run XPLO2D with this new PDB file. You can also read it into O and colour the molecule by "B-factor" to see which atoms are considered to be equivalent by XPLO2D.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Reading & writing PDB file ...
 > (REMARK NGU Extracted from PDB file 1d22.pdb)
 > (REMARK NGU Formula C39 H47 N1 O17)
 > (REMARK NGU Nr of non-hydrogen atoms 57)
 > (REMARK NGU Residue type NGU)
 > (REMARK NGU Residue name 972)
 > (REMARK NGU Original residue name (for O) $1)
   1D22  30 NGU)
 Using residue : (NGU)
 Identifier    : (  972)
 Atom #    1 =  C1  @     -1.033    -3.427     2.857  1.00 20.00
 Atom #    2 =  C2  @     -0.998    -3.311     4.231  1.00 20.00
 Atom #   57 =  O23 @      4.906    -4.096     4.521  1.00 20.00

Nr of atoms read : ( 57) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The program will use the first residue it encounters in your PDB file. At this stage, the program also tries to figure out of which chemical element type each atom is. If it can't deduce this (using a set of heuristics), it will complain and assume carbon atoms.

Note: from version 2.1 onward, the program can use the formula to better deduce chemical element types. For example, an atom called "AC3*" would normally be considered to Actinium ... However, if the formula show that the compound does not contain any actinium, another guess has to be made (in this case the program will decide that it is probably a carbon). The formula can be entered into the input PDB file in two different ways:

(1) a card which contains the word "FORMULA" followed by a list of chemical elements (the number of each can also be entered but the program will not use it). For example:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
REMARK ADR Formula C15 H23 N5 O14 P2
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

(2) a properly formatted PDB FORMUL record with: column 1-6 FORMUL, the residue type in column 13 - 15, and the formula in columns 19 etc. Don't forget that carbon is " C" (i.e., a space and then a "C") etc. !! For example:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
FORMUL   2  REA    C20 H28 O2
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Form version 2.1 onward, the program will also print the formula it has deduced (and the input formula, if provided), e.g.:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Nr of atoms read : (         23)

==> List of elements : ( C17 H20 N4 O2) ==> Deduced formula : ( C 17 N 4 O 2)

Provide a single character that will be used to ... ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Provide a single character that will be used to
 generate atom type names.  For instance, if you
 supply an "X", your carbon types will be CX1,
 CX2, etc.
 Character ? (X)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

If you have more than one type of hetero-entity you may want to use different letters (beware of conflicts in X-PLOR ! For instance, CU could be copper, CL chlorine, CA calcium, etc.)

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 I need to know which atoms are chemically bonded.
 You must supply two distance cut-offs for bonded
 atoms.  The first is used if both atoms are light
 (H,He,Li,Be,B,C,N,O,F,Ne), the second if either
 or both are heavy (Na,Mg,Al,Si,P,S,Cl,Ar,...).
 "Light" and "heavy" cut-offs ? (   1.800    2.300)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Using these two cut-offs, most bonds will be recognised correctly.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 Looking for bonded atoms ...
 Bond  C1  -  C2  =    1.379 A
 Bond  C1  -  C21 =    1.393 A
 Bond  C1  -  O1  =    1.325 A
 Bond  C23 -  O23 =    1.251 A
 Bond  C24 -  N1  =    1.541 A

Nr of bonds found : ( 63) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The following information is not important if you have specified the atom types yourself in the B-factor column:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 In order to assign atom types, I have to compare
 neighbour atom types, bond lengths and (in the
 second sphere of neighbours) bond angles
 Supply tolerance levels for me to decide if
 two bond lengths or angles are "identical"
 Tolerance for "identical" bond lengths ? (   0.040)
 Tolerance for "identical" bond angles  ? (   5.000)

Generating neighbour lists ... Atom C1 > [# 6] 1.379 [# 6] 1.393 [# 8] 1.325 Atom C2 > [# 6] 1.379 [# 6] 1.413 [# 6] 1.567 ... Atom O16 > [# 6] 1.399 Atom O23 > [# 6] 1.251

Trying to guess number of hydrogens ... Carbon C1 Nbrs: 3 ~Hs: 0 Carbon C2 Nbrs: 3 ~Hs: 0 Carbon C3 Nbrs: 2 ~Hs: 1 Carbon C4 Nbrs: 3 ~Hs: 0 ... Carbon C24 Nbrs: 1 ~Hs: 3 Nitrogen N1 Nbrs: 3 ~Hs: 0 Oxygen O2 Nbrs: 2 ~Hs: 0 Oxygen O15 Nbrs: 1 ~Hs: 0 Oxygen O16 Nbrs: 1 ~Hs: 0 Oxygen O23 Nbrs: 1 ~Hs: 0 Est. total nr of hydrogens : ( 41)

First round of atom typing ... Atom C1 gets type CX1 Atom C4 gets type CX1 Atom C2 gets type CX2 Atom C19 gets type CX2 ... Atom C24 gets type CX32 Atom N1 gets type NX33

Nr of atoms : ( 57) Nr of types : ( 33)

Second round of atom typing ... Atom C4 gets type CX34 Atom C19 gets type CX35 ... Atom C22 gets type CX54 Atom O2 gets type OX55 Nr of new types : ( 22)

Nr of atoms : ( 57) Nr of types : ( 55) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The program gets all bonds, guesses the number of hydrogens on each C, N and O (if requested), and uses that information to find out which atoms are of equivalent types. It does two rounds of this, looking at the types (and bond distances) of the neighbours.

If you want, you can also include information about neighbours' neighbours . Usually, this will give rise to a larger number of distinct atom types. You can use this if the input model is of very high quality (e.g., a small-molecule structure from the Cambridge database). On the other hand, if you produced the model yourself without the use of experimental data, you may want to be more conservative.

Another reason for doing a third round is if you get atom type conflicts. E.g., two atoms are considered equivalent by XPLO2D, but they are not completely equivalent. In that case, you will get warnings about very large ranges for the values of certain bonds, angles, dihedrals or impropers. Doing a third round of typing often solves this problem. If it does not, edit the PDB file which contains atom types as B-factors, and re-run the program.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 At present, atoms are classified *only* based on
 the number & types of their neighbours and the
 bond lengths
 If you want, I can make the typing more strict,
 by also comparing neighbours of neighbours
 Do a third round of typing ? (N)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

After the atom typing, XPLO2D makes sure that all type names are unique (4 characters). If not, it will try to rename duplicates.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Making sure all atom types have unique names ...

Finished classifying atoms Current atom types : Atom # 1 = C1 --> CX1 Atom # 2 = C2 --> CX2 ... Atom # 56 = O16 --> OX49 Atom # 57 = O23 --> OX47

Nr of atoms : ( 57) Nr of types : ( 55) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The topology file defines masses, constituent atoms, bonds etc.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 The first file you get is a TOPOLOGY file
 You must check the MASSes, add CHARges,
 UNcomment any DIHEdrals you want to impose
 and check the IMPRopers, DONOrs and ACCEptors
 Enter name of topology file : (ngu.top)
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Some types of dihedral you probably want to restrain (e.g., in aromatic rings). To help the program identify "special" dihedrals, you need to supply a tolerance level:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 To help me decide if a DIHEdral is special,
 i.e., close to a multiple of +/- 60, +/- 90
 +/- 180 or 0 degrees, I need a tolerance level
 This may be greater for 60/90 than for 0/180
 dihedrals (the latter enforce flat rings)
 Tolerance for +-60/+-90 DIHEdrals ? (   5.000) 0.01
 Tolerance for 0/+-180/360 DIHEdrals ? (   8.000) 10
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The parameter file specifies target values and energy penalties for bond lengths, angles, etc., as well as Lennard-Jones parameters for the evaluation of non-bonded interactions.

All bonds get the same weight (energy penalty), all angles get the same (but different) weight, etc. The lower your resolution and the higher the quality of the starting model for the hetero-entity, the higher the weights you should set. The defaults are in the Engh & Huber ballpark.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 The second file you get is a PARAMETER file
 You must check the NONBonded parameters and add
 any DIHEdrals you want to use
 Weights are in the same ball park as those used
 by Engh & Huber; you may want to change them
 Enter name of parameter file : (ngu.par)

Supply values for the force constants for bond lengths, bond angles, fixed dihedrals and impropers, respectively. The default values are in the Engh & Huber ball-park. Force constants ? (1000.000 500.000 750.000 750.000)

Nr of bond types found : ( 63)

Nr of angle types found : ( 102)

Nr of dihedral types found : ( 75)

Nr of improper types found : ( 26) ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Before using the dictionaries in any crystallographic refinement it's a good idea (in fact: it's not just a good idea, it's Murphy's Law !) to energy-minimise the structure of the hetero-entity in isolation *without* the X-ray term ! The resulting structure shows you what X-PLOR will want to make your ligand look like once you include it in your model and refine it with the X-ray term switched on. If there are errors in your dictionary, it's better to find & remedy them at this stage than after a slow-cool which took 24 hours to complete ...

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 The third X-PLOR file you get is an INPUT file
 Run this file with X-PLOR to perform pure geometric
 energy minimisation
 Then check if the resulting structure looks like
 your input structure (especially if the input was
 a high-resolution small molecule X-ray structure !)
 If they differ, patch up some of the parameters,
 impose more IMPRoper or DIHEdral restraints, etc.
 Remember that the result of the minimisation
 shows the structure that X-PLOR will try to get at
 once you start including experimental data !!!


Enter name of X-PLOR minimisation file : (ngu_min.inp)

All done ...

QUIT XSEA X1DT X1DY XFIL LUZZ XBAD AUTO What would you like to do ? (AUTO) quit ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

That's all there is to it ! of course, you should always check the dictionary files, and usually you need to add or edit some of the information (e.g., masses, charges, Lennard-Jones parameters). Also, by default "non-flat" DIHEdrals are commented out; you need to include those that make chemical sense.

6.2 Output

The clean PDB file may look as follows:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
ATOM      1  C1  NGU   972      -1.033  -3.427   2.857  1.00 20.00      1D22
ATOM      2  C2  NGU   972      -0.998  -3.311   4.231  1.00 20.00      1D22
ATOM      3  C3  NGU   972      -1.054  -2.053   4.872  1.00 20.00      1D22
ATOM     56  O16 NGU   972       1.437  -4.066   5.945  1.00 20.00      1D22
ATOM     57  O23 NGU   972       4.906  -4.096   4.521  1.00 20.00      1D22
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The PDB file with the atom types as B-factors and the number of hydrogens as occupancies may look like this (note also that columns 77 and 78 contain the symbol of the chemical element the program thought each atom belongs to):

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
REMARK Created by XPLO2D V. 960803/2.0 at Sun Aug 4 02:38:16 1996 for user gerard
REMARK XPLO2D pseudo-PDB file
REMARK B-factors   <===> atom types
REMARK Occupancies <===> nr of hydrogens
ATOM      1  C1  NGU   972      -1.033  -3.427   2.857  0.00  1.00      1D22 C
ATOM      2  C2  NGU   972      -0.998  -3.311   4.231  0.00  2.00      1D22 C
ATOM     56  O16 NGU   972       1.437  -4.066   5.945  0.00 49.00      1D22 O
ATOM     57  O23 NGU   972       4.906  -4.096   4.521  0.00 47.00      1D22 O
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The topology file may look as shown below. Note: the masses should be okay, provided the program recognised the chemical element of each atom, and had the correct number of hydrogens for each atom. Note: the actual value of each dihedral and improper is shown so you can quickly check if they make sense. Dihedrals of the "+/-60 or +/-90" type are always commented out. Only use them when you have a good reason to !!! Note: acceptors are included, but any donors are commented out (you have to add any polar hydrogen atoms yourself !)

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
Remarks ngu.top
Remarks Created by XPLO2D V. 960803/2.0 at Sun Aug 4 02:37:44 1996 for user gerard
Remarks Auto-generated by XPLO2D from file ngu.pdb
Remarks You *MUST* check/edit MASSes and CHARges !!!
Remarks Check DONOrs and ACCEptors
Remarks Verify IMPRopers yourself
Remarks DIHEdrals which are not flat are commented out

set echo=false end

{ edit masses if necessary } MASS CX1 12.01100 ! 12.01100 + 1.008 for each H MASS CX2 12.01100 ! 12.01100 + 1.008 for each H MASS CX3 13.01900 ! 12.01100 + 1.008 for each H ... MASS OX55 15.99940 ! 15.99940 + 1.008 for each H

autogenerate angles=true end


GROUp ATOM C1 TYPE CX1 CHARge 0.0 END ! Nr of Hs = 0 ATOM C2 TYPE CX2 CHARge 0.0 END ! Nr of Hs = 0 ATOM C3 TYPE CX3 CHARge 0.0 END ! Nr of Hs = 1 ... ATOM O16 TYPE OX49 CHARge 0.0 END ! Nr of Hs = 0 ATOM O23 TYPE OX47 CHARge 0.0 END ! Nr of Hs = 0


{ edit these DIHEdrals if necessary } DIHEdral C21 C1 C2 C3 ! flat ? (0 degrees = cis) -0.56 DIHEdral C21 C1 C2 C34 ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans) 183.76 ... DIHEdral C22 C34 O2 C30 ! flat ? (180 degrees = trans) 183.90

{ edit these IMPRopers if necessary } IMPRoper C1 C2 C21 O1 ! chirality or flatness improper 1.45 IMPRoper C2 C1 C3 C34 ! chirality or flatness improper 2.69 IMPRoper C4 O4 C16 C3 ! chirality or flatness improper 0.86 ... IMPRoper C34 C22 C33 C2 ! chirality or flatness improper 27.41

{ edit these DONOrs and ACCEptors if necessary } ACCEptor O1 C1 ACCEptor O4 C4 ACCEptor O5 C5 ... ACCEptor O23 C23

END { RESIdue NGU } ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The parameter file may look as shown below.
Note: all bond and angle target values are the averages of the observed values. The number of observations is shown as well.
Note: dihedral angles and impropers are calculated as the ATAN2 of the average SIN and the average COS.
Note: dihedral targets are always given as the nearest mutliple of 30 degrees.
Note: impropers which are "almost" zero or +/- 35 degrees will receive a target of 0.0, 35.0 or -35.0. Other impropers are flagged with a warning. Normally, chiral carbons have an improper of +/- 35, whereas sp2 carbons have an improper of zero.
Note: at present, XPLO2D "knows" the NONBonded parameters for almost three dozen chemical element types.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
Remarks ngu.par
Remarks Created by XPLO2D V. 960803/2.0 at Sun Aug 4 02:38:16 1996 for user gerard
Remarks Auto-generated by XPLO2D from file ngu.pdb
Remarks Parameters for residue type NGU

set echo=false end

{ edit if necessary } BOND CX1 CX2 1000.0 1.379 ! Nobs = 1 BOND CX1 CX36 1000.0 1.393 ! Nobs = 1 BOND CX1 OX17 1000.0 1.325 ! Nobs = 1 ... BOND CX32 NX33 1000.0 1.541 ! Nobs = 1

{ edit if necessary } ANGLe CX2 CX1 CX36 500.0 121.41 ! Nobs = 1 ANGLe CX2 CX1 OX17 500.0 125.24 ! Nobs = 1 ANGLe CX36 CX1 OX17 500.0 113.30 ! Nobs = 1 ... ANGLe CX29 OX55 CX30 500.0 113.46 ! Nobs = 1

{ edit if necessary } DIHEdral CX36 CX1 CX2 CX3 750.0 0 0.000 ! Nobs = 1 DIHEdral CX36 CX1 CX2 CX30 750.0 0 180.000 ! Nobs = 1 ... DIHEdral CX54 CX30 OX55 CX29 750.0 0 180.000 ! Nobs = 1

{ edit if necessary } IMPRoper CX1 CX2 CX36 OX17 750.0 0 0.000 ! Nobs = 1 IMPRoper CX2 CX1 CX3 CX30 750.0 0 0.000 ! Nobs = 1 ... IMPRoper CX36 CX14 CX10 CX1 750.0 0 0.000 ! Nobs = 1 ! WARNING - unusual value for following improper (not near zero or +/- 35 degrees) IMPRoper CX23 OX28 CX38 OX21 750.0 0 28.539 ! Nobs = 1 IMPRoper CX38 OX51 CX24 CX23 750.0 0 35.000 ! Nobs = 1 ... ! WARNING - unusual value for following improper (not near zero or +/- 35 degrees) IMPRoper CX30 CX54 CX43 CX2 750.0 0 27.412 ! Nobs = 1

{ edit if necessary } NONBonded CX1 0.1200 3.7418 0.1000 3.3854 ! assuming Carbon NONBonded CX2 0.1200 3.7418 0.1000 3.3854 ! assuming Carbon ... NONBonded OX55 0.1591 2.8509 0.1591 2.8509 ! assuming Oxygen

set echo=true end ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The energy-minimisation input file may look as follows:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
Remarks ngu_min.inp
Remarks Created by XPLO2D V. 960803/2.0 at Sun Aug 4 02:38:45 1996 for user gerard
Remarks Auto-generated by XPLO2D from file ngu.pdb
Remarks Energy-minimisation input file for residue type NGU

topology ! @tophcsdx.pro @ngu.top end

parameters ! @parhcsdx.pro @ngu.par nbonds atom cdie shift eps=8.0 e14fac=0.4 cutnb=7.5 ctonnb=6.0 ctofnb=6.5 nbxmod=5 vswitch end remark dielectric constant eps set to 8.0 end

segment name="1D22" chain coordinates @ngu.pdb_clean end end coordinates @ngu.pdb_clean

print threshold=0.02 bonds print threshold=3.0 angles print threshold=3.0 dihedrals print threshold=3.0 impropers

Remarks Build hydrogens (if any)

hbuild selection = (hydrogen and not known) phistep=45 end

Remarks Do Powell energy minimisation

minimise powell nstep=250 drop=40.0 end

write coordinates output=ngu_min.pdb end write structure output=ngu.psf end

vector ident (store9) (not hydrogen) constraints interaction (store9) (store9) end

print threshold=0.02 bonds print threshold=3.0 angles print threshold=3.0 dihedrals print threshold=3.0 impropers

stop ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

Run X-PLOR to do the minimisation, and check the result with O ! It only takes a few seconds of CPU time, but can save you hours of CPU time later on if you find that there was a mistake in the dictionaries after all !

Mistakes usually lead to any or all of the following:
- large deviations from ideal geometry at the start
- very high starting energies
- remaining (or even more) large deviations after minimisation

Almost always the reason is that two or more non-equivalent atoms were considered to be equivalent by the program. Fix this by editing the PDB file with the atom types as B-factors, and re-running XPLO2D using this edited file as input.

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
 X-PLOR>print threshold=0.02 bonds
 (atom-i        |atom-j        )    dist.   equil.   delta    energy   const.

Number of violations greater 0.020: 0 RMS deviation= 0.000 X-PLOR>print threshold=3.0 angles (atom-i |atom-j |atom-k ) angle equil. delta energy const.

Number of violations greater 3.000: 0 RMS deviation= 0.003 X-PLOR>print threshold=3.0 dihedrals (atom-i |atom-j |atom-k |atom-L ) angle equil. delta energy const. period

(1D22 972 C21 |1D22 972 C1 |1D22 972 C2 |1D22 972 C34 ) -176.239 180.000 -3.761 3.231 750.000 0 (1D22 972 O1 |1D22 972 C1 |1D22 972 C2 |1D22 972 C34 ) 6.437 0.000 -6.437 9.467 750.000 0 ... (1D22 972 C22 |1D22 972 C34 |1D22 972 O2 |1D22 972 C30 ) -176.098 180.000 -3.902 3.479 750.000 0 Number of violations greater 3.000: 18 RMS deviation= 2.944 X-PLOR>print threshold=3.0 impropers (atom-i |atom-j |atom-k |atom-L ) angle equil. delta energy const. period

(1D22 972 C7 |1D22 972 O7 |1D22 972 C18 |1D22 972 C8 ) 40.915 35.000 -5.915 7.992 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C9 |1D22 972 C8 |1D22 972 C10 |1D22 972 C13 ) 29.346 35.000 5.654 7.304 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C10 |1D22 972 C9 |1D22 972 C14 |1D22 972 C19 ) 31.087 35.000 3.913 3.497 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C14 |1D22 972 O14 |1D22 972 O10 |1D22 972 C10 ) 29.663 35.000 5.337 6.507 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C2* |1D22 972 O2* |1D22 972 C3* |1D22 972 C1* ) 39.222 35.000 -4.222 4.073 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C4* |1D22 972 C3* |1D22 972 C5* |1D22 972 O4* ) 29.676 35.000 5.324 6.475 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C31 |1D22 972 C30 |1D22 972 C32 |1D22 972 O15 ) 29.814 35.000 5.186 6.144 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C32 |1D22 972 N1 |1D22 972 C33 |1D22 972 C31 ) 31.226 35.000 3.774 3.254 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C33 |1D22 972 C32 |1D22 972 C34 |1D22 972 O16 ) 31.393 35.000 3.607 2.972 750.000 0 Number of violations greater 3.000: 9 RMS deviation= 2.994 ... X-PLOR>minimise powell POWELL> nstep=250 drop=40.0 POWELL>end POWELL: number of degrees of freedom= 171 NBONDS: generating intra-molecular exclusion list with mode= 5 MAKINB: mode 5 found 165 exclusions and 134 interactions(1-4) NBONDS: found 573 intra-atom interactions --------------- cycle= 1 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =251.111 grad(E)=159.748 E(BOND)=0.006 E(ANGL)=0.000 | | E(DIHE)=148.482 E(IMPR)=53.236 E(VDW )=49.386 E(ELEC)=0.000 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------- cycle= 2 ------ stepsize= 0.0000 ----------------------- | Etotal =191.641 grad(E)=103.466 E(BOND)=0.969 E(ANGL)=2.175 | | E(DIHE)=97.577 E(IMPR)=41.690 E(VDW )=49.230 E(ELEC)=0.000 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ... --------------- cycle= 250 ------ stepsize= 0.0001 ----------------------- | Etotal =78.321 grad(E)=0.969 E(BOND)=4.050 E(ANGL)=18.225 | | E(DIHE)=3.614 E(IMPR)=12.242 E(VDW )=40.189 E(ELEC)=0.000 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POWELL: STEP number limit. Normal termination POWELL: Current coordinates set to last minimum X-PLOR> X-PLOR>write coordinates output=ngu_min.pdb end ASSFIL: file ngu_min.pdb opened. X-PLOR>write structure output=ngu.psf end ASSFIL: file ngu.psf opened. X-PLOR> X-PLOR>vector ident (store9) (not hydrogen) SELRPN: 57 atoms have been selected out of 57 X-PLOR>constraints interaction (store9) (store9) end SELRPN: 57 atoms have been selected out of 57 SELRPN: 57 atoms have been selected out of 57 X-PLOR> X-PLOR>print threshold=0.02 bonds (atom-i |atom-j ) dist. equil. delta energy const.

Number of violations greater 0.020: 0 RMS deviation= 0.008 X-PLOR>print threshold=3.0 angles (atom-i |atom-j |atom-k ) angle equil. delta energy const.

(1D22 972 C10 |1D22 972 C9 |1D22 972 O9 ) 110.125 106.930 3.195 1.554 500.000 (1D22 972 C31 |1D22 972 C32 |1D22 972 C33 ) 109.264 112.360 -3.096 1.460 500.000 Number of violations greater 3.000: 2 RMS deviation= 1.083 X-PLOR>print threshold=3.0 dihedrals (atom-i |atom-j |atom-k |atom-L ) angle equil. delta energy const. period

Number of violations greater 3.000: 0 RMS deviation= 0.459 X-PLOR>print threshold=3.0 impropers (atom-i |atom-j |atom-k |atom-L ) angle equil. delta energy const. period

(1D22 972 C7 |1D22 972 O7 |1D22 972 C18 |1D22 972 C8 ) 38.025 35.000 -3.025 2.091 750.000 0 (1D22 972 C9 |1D22 972 C8 |1D22 972 C10 |1D22 972 C13 ) 31.900 35.000 3.100 2.195 750.000 0 Number of violations greater 3.000: 2 RMS deviation= 1.436 X-PLOR> X-PLOR>stop CSTACK: size= 40000 used= 150 current= 0 HEAP: maximum use= 38324 current use= 0 X-PLOR: total CPU time= 2.9359 s X-PLOR: entry time at 02:55:28 04-Aug-96 X-PLOR: exit time at 02:55:33 04-Aug-96 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

6.3 Example TNT dictionary

From version 2.7, the AUTO command can also generate TNT dictionaries. These may look as follows:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
! Filename = trp.tnt
! Created by XPLO2D V. 980416/2.8 at Thu Apr 16 17:35:57 1998 for user gerard
! Auto-generated by XPLO2D from file trp.pdb
! Note: impropers are mapped to TRIGONAL (-17 to +17),
!       or CHIRAL (+-55 to +-17) restraints. Values
!       outside these ranges yield an error message
! Note: PLANES are derived from 0 or +- 180 torsions
!       and are implemented as sets of 4-atom planes.
!       You can merge these into larger planes manually.
!       Also note that cis and trans can NOT be
!       distinguished by a PLANE restraint !  If this
!       is important, use a TORSION 1000 or 1180
!       restraint instead of the corresponding PLANE !
! Note: non-flat torsion angles lead to a TORSION
!       restraint which is commented out by a # sign.
!       To include such restraints in your refinement,
!       remove the # sign(s). Also note that all such
!       torsions by default have a periodicity of 1 !

! ! BOND restraints ! GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.453 0.020 N CA ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.437 1.468 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.528 0.020 CA C ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.513 1.538 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.529 0.020 CA CB ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.517 1.545 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.234 0.020 C O ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.227 1.242 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.484 0.020 CB CG ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.457 1.519 ! >>> WARNING - large range for previous bond : 0.062 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.358 0.020 CG CD1 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.346 1.364 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.437 0.020 CG CD2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.430 1.446 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.387 0.020 CD1 NE1 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.384 1.389 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.418 0.020 CD2 CE2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.416 1.421 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.393 0.020 CD2 CE3 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.391 1.396 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.367 0.020 NE1 CE2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.365 1.369 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.389 0.020 CE2 CZ2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.384 1.393 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.385 0.020 CE3 CZ3 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.375 1.395 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.364 0.020 CZ2 CH2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.360 1.366 GEOMETRY TRP BOND 1.401 0.020 CZ3 CH2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 1.398 1.405 ! ! ANGLE restraints ! GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 111.240 2.000 N CA C ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 105.67 115.67 ! >>> WARNING - large range for previous angle : 9.995 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 109.916 2.000 N CA CB ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 106.16 111.88 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 109.462 2.000 C CA CB ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 105.35 113.39 ! >>> WARNING - large range for previous angle : 8.039 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 120.817 2.000 CA C O ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 119.66 121.62 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 114.729 2.000 CA CB CG ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 113.04 117.05 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 126.211 2.000 CB CG CD1 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 125.12 126.77 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 126.869 2.000 CB CG CD2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 126.33 127.87 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 106.831 2.000 CD1 CG CD2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 106.49 107.06 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 109.754 2.000 CG CD1 NE1 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 109.55 109.91 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 106.905 2.000 CG CD2 CE2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 106.51 107.05 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 134.227 2.000 CG CD2 CE3 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 133.95 134.77 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 118.867 2.000 CE2 CD2 CE3 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 118.72 119.05 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 109.106 2.000 CD1 NE1 CE2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 108.92 109.41 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 107.402 2.000 CD2 CE2 NE1 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 107.23 107.52 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 122.486 2.000 CD2 CE2 CZ2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 122.25 122.84 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 130.112 2.000 NE1 CE2 CZ2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 129.93 130.32 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 118.298 2.000 CD2 CE3 CZ3 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 118.17 118.42 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 117.382 2.000 CE2 CZ2 CH2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 117.25 117.56 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 121.474 2.000 CE3 CZ3 CH2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 121.28 121.60 GEOMETRY TRP ANGLE 121.492 2.000 CZ2 CH2 CZ3 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 121.36 121.65 ! ! TORSION and PLANE restraints ! # GEOMETRY TRP TORSION -1050 2.00 N CA C O ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = -72.51 168.59 # GEOMETRY TRP TORSION 1070 2.00 CB CA C O ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = -83.22 119.46 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 N CA CB CG ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -87.83 192.68 # GEOMETRY TRP TORSION 1060 2.00 C CA CB CG ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = -68.90 175.65 # GEOMETRY TRP TORSION -1080 2.00 CA CB CG CD1 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = -106.79 94.40 # GEOMETRY TRP TORSION 1110 2.00 CA CB CG CD2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = -96.26 205.84 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CB CG CD1 NE1 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = 172.27 184.77 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CD2 CG CD1 NE1 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -1.07 0.66 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CB CG CD2 CE2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = 175.24 187.74 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CB CG CD2 CE3 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -4.44 7.11 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CD1 CG CD2 CE2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.54 1.03 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CD1 CG CD2 CE3 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = 179.68 180.40 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CG CD1 NE1 CE2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.53 0.71 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CG CD2 CE2 NE1 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.65 0.29 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CG CD2 CE2 CZ2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = 179.23 180.32 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CE3 CD2 CE2 NE1 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = 179.76 180.13 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CE3 CD2 CE2 CZ2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.26 0.14 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CG CD2 CE3 CZ3 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = 179.58 180.92 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CE2 CD2 CE3 CZ3 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.05 0.24 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CD1 NE1 CE2 CD2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.11 0.20 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CD1 NE1 CE2 CZ2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = 179.73 180.26 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CD2 CE2 CZ2 CH2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.15 0.15 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 NE1 CE2 CZ2 CH2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = 179.80 180.26 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CD2 CE3 CZ3 CH2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.10 0.11 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CE2 CZ2 CH2 CZ3 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.11 0.24 GEOMETRY TRP PLANE 4 0.02 CE3 CZ3 CH2 CZ2 ! Torsion Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.24 0.09 ! ! CHIRAL and TRIGONAL restraints ! GEOMETRY TRP CHIRAL 1 1 CA N C CB ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = 32.19 37.35 GEOMETRY TRP TRIGONAL 0 0.02 CG CB CD1 CD2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = -4.46 2.85 GEOMETRY TRP TRIGONAL 0 0.02 CD2 CG CE2 CE3 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.29 0.15 GEOMETRY TRP TRIGONAL 0 0.02 CE2 CD2 NE1 CZ2 ! Nobs = 18 ... Range = -0.10 0.13 ! ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

6.4 Example O dictionary

From version 2.8, the AUTO command can also generate O dictionaries (no longer in the old Hermans & McQueen Refi format !). From version 3.1, these should contain all the information needed and recognised by O version 9.0.1. For instance:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
! Filename = rea.odb
! Created by XPLO2D V. 031014/3.1.2 at Tue Oct 14 16:49:35 2003 for gerard
! Auto-generated by XPLO2D from file rea.pdb
!!!!! ADD THIS FILE TO YOUR .bonds_angles DATABLOCK  !!!!!
!!!!! THEN UPDATE THE .bonds_angles DATABLOCK HEADER !!!!!
! --------------------------------------------------------
residue REA
centre  C1
atom C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 \
   C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 \
   O1 O2
fragment_all C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 \
   C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 \
   O1 O2
fragment_sc C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 \
   C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 \
   O1 O2
side-chain C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 \
   C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17 C18 C19 C20 \
   O1 O2
! connectivity
connect_all C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C1 C16
connect_all C1 C17
connect_all C5 C18
connect_all C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 O1
connect_all C9 C19
connect_all C13 C20
connect_all C15 O2
! torsion-angle definitions
! note: only the first 12 torsions can be used in O
torsion tor1 154. C8 C7 C6 C1 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C16 C17 C18
torsion tor2 -51. C13 C14 C15 O1 O1 O2
! bond lengths
bond_distance C1 C2 1.546 0.020
bond_distance C1 C6 1.564 0.020


bond_distance C15 O1 1.251 0.020 bond_distance C15 O2 1.251 0.020 ! ! bond angles ! bond_angle C2 C1 C6 109.69 2.00 bond_angle C2 C1 C16 108.11 2.00


bond_angle C14 C15 O2 119.14 2.00 bond_angle O1 C15 O2 121.55 2.00 ! ! dihedral angles (fixed and flexible) ! torsion_flexible C6 C1 C2 C3 -43.00 20.00 ! Descriptive torsion - Actual value : -42.76 torsion_flexible C16 C1 C2 C3 -163.00 20.00 ! Descriptive torsion - Actual value : -162.72


torsion_flexible C1 C2 C3 C4 60.00 20.00 ! 60/90/120 torsion - Actual value : 57.63 torsion_flexible C2 C3 C4 C5 -43.00 20.00 ! Descriptive torsion - Actual value : -43.48


torsion_fixed C4 C5 C6 C1 0.00 2.00 ! CIS torsion - Actual value : -8.57 torsion_fixed C4 C5 C6 C7 180.00 2.00 ! TRANS torsion - Actual value : 178.97 torsion_fixed C18 C5 C6 C1 180.00 2.00 ! TRANS torsion - Actual value : 178.69 torsion_fixed C18 C5 C6 C7 0.00 2.00 ! CIS torsion - Actual value : 6.22 torsion_flexible C1 C6 C7 C8 154.00 20.00 ! Descriptive torsion - Actual value : 154.33 torsion_flexible C5 C6 C7 C8 -33.00 20.00 ! Descriptive torsion - Actual value : -32.57 torsion_fixed C6 C7 C8 C9 180.00 2.00 ! TRANS torsion - Actual value : -179.29


torsion_fixed C12 C13 C14 C15 180.00 2.00 ! TRANS torsion - Actual value : -179.63 torsion_fixed C20 C13 C14 C15 0.00 2.00 ! CIS torsion - Actual value : -0.15 torsion_flexible C13 C14 C15 O1 -60.00 20.00 ! 60/90/120 torsion - Actual value : -50.98 torsion_flexible C13 C14 C15 O2 120.00 20.00 ! 60/90/120 torsion - Actual value : 129.00 ! ! improper torsion angles ! torsion_fixed C1 C2 C6 C16 35.00 2.00 ! Actual value : 35.58 torsion_fixed C5 C4 C6 C18 0.00 2.00 ! Actual value : -4.01 torsion_fixed C6 C1 C5 C7 0.00 2.00 ! Actual value : -4.20 torsion_fixed C9 C8 C10 C19 0.00 2.00 ! Actual value : -1.26 torsion_fixed C13 C12 C14 C20 0.00 2.00 ! Actual value : 0.30 torsion_fixed C15 C14 O1 O2 0.00 2.00 ! Actual value : -0.01 ! ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

6.5 Interpreting warning messages

The parameter file may contain one or more warning messages. Check these carefully:

- too large range for a certain bond type -> I haven't encountered this, but if it happens, it probably means that the program has accidentally given two distinct atoms the same type. Edit the XPLO2D PDB file to correct this, and re-run the program. (Also, please E-mail me, including the coordinates of the compound !)

- too large range for a certain bond angle -> this can be caused by the same phenomenon as discussed above. BUT, it may also be that there is an error in the input structure ! For example, for the compound propamidine (from PDB file 1PRP, 2.1 A resolution), the angles C3'-C4'-C7' and C5'-C4'-C7' should be identical. However, they are 128 and 116 degrees, respectively. Check the compound carefully on the display to find out what the problem is.

- too large range for a certain dihedral -> this almost always means that there are redundant torsion definitions. Consider a structure as shown below, with a flat phenyl ring and a flat carboxylate:

 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----
        C----C1      O5
       /      \     /
   C---C      C2---C4
       \      /     \
        C----C3      O6
 ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE ----- EXAMPLE -----

The torsion around the C2-C4 bond can be defined up to four times (C1-C2-C4-O5, C1-C2-C4-O6, C3-C2-C4-O5, and C3-C2-C4-O6), and it normally would be defined four times by the program. However, two of these dihedrals are X degrees and two are 180+X degrees, so the average (target) will be set to 90+X and the range of observed values will be 180 degrees. This will lead to a warning. In that case, you don't have to change the atom types ! Instead, remove the redundant DIHEdral definitions from the topology file.

- too large range for a certain improper -> I haven't encountered this. If it happens to you, please E-mail me, including the coordinates of the compound.

- unusual value for a certain improper -> in most cases, this means that there is an error in the structure of your compound. Carbon atoms with 3 or 4 neighbours are either sp3 or sp2 hybridised. If the atom is chiral, an improper to three of its neighbours should have a value of roughly +35 or -35 degrees; if it is sp2 hybridised, this improper should be zero. If an improper is not near one of these two values, a warning is issued.


None, at present ("peppar, peppar").


Does not compute.

Uppsala Software Factory Created at Tue Aug 2 17:25:59 2005 by MAN2HTML version 050114/2.0.6 . This manual describes XPLO2D, a program of the Uppsala Software Factory (USF), written and maintained by Gerard Kleywegt. © 1992-2005.